Where do you think your starport should be located at?
(Gas Giant, Primary world, Asteroid belt, Edge of the Jump shadow/limit, other)
Where do you think your downport should be located at?
(Near a city/living area or far away)
(On land, on an island, on water)
(Close to industry or isolated)
Do you need a Starport if you have a downport?
Do you need a downport if you have a starport?
If you have a downport, what is the maximum tonnage of a ship that would be allowed to land?
Or is the ability to land safely the only requirement?
If you have a downport, are all ships required to land there or can they land anywhere they want on the planet?
If they can land anywhere on the planet (downport or just a starport) are they required to inform a Central control or just go where they want to go?
Dave Chase
(Gas Giant, Primary world, Asteroid belt, Edge of the Jump shadow/limit, other)
Where do you think your downport should be located at?
(Near a city/living area or far away)
(On land, on an island, on water)
(Close to industry or isolated)
Do you need a Starport if you have a downport?
Do you need a downport if you have a starport?
If you have a downport, what is the maximum tonnage of a ship that would be allowed to land?
Or is the ability to land safely the only requirement?
If you have a downport, are all ships required to land there or can they land anywhere they want on the planet?
If they can land anywhere on the planet (downport or just a starport) are they required to inform a Central control or just go where they want to go?
Dave Chase