Hi everyone:
I had posted a question about starship combat earlier and you all helped a lot. But I tried running a mock combat last night with a friend and have several questions in regards to the actions in basic combat (starts on T20 page 159):
1. Looking at the Pilot Actions, most are Full actions. Only Adjust Range is a move action. The assumption here is that a pilot can only do one Full Action per round, right?
2. According to the rules on page 162 each ship MUST make a T/Astrogator check each round. First, not all ships have atrogators, like a System Defense Boat without Jump drives. I guess the computer would handle this check, or the pilot. In this case I guess the pilot can only do the Astrogation check (a standard action) and Adjust Range (a move action) because eveything else is a full action. If he wanted to use any other action the computer would have to make the check if no one else could do the T/Astrogation check?
3. If the pilot succeeds at Adjust Range and the Astrogator succeds in the range check, I assume the ship can adjust two move increments (which will automatically break pursuit without a break pursuit roll plus give distance between the ships).
4. A commander has two actions, Command and Tactics. Why would any commander ever use Tactics? The bonus for tactics is 1/2 his ranks in his Leader skill added to every attack, save and skill checks, while Tactics adds his Wis or Int mod to only attacks and defense only. By raising his Leader skill to enough ranks he will always exceed the bonus to tactics, and for more uses (for instance, I have a +3 mod for Int but I take 12 ranks in Leadership... that's a +4). In addition Command is a standard action while Tactics is a Full Round action, so with Command the captain can also do something else, like the T/Astrogate check.
5. Basically, a ship with a small crew is at a big disadvantage in this system.
Thanks for the comments in advance.
I had posted a question about starship combat earlier and you all helped a lot. But I tried running a mock combat last night with a friend and have several questions in regards to the actions in basic combat (starts on T20 page 159):
1. Looking at the Pilot Actions, most are Full actions. Only Adjust Range is a move action. The assumption here is that a pilot can only do one Full Action per round, right?
2. According to the rules on page 162 each ship MUST make a T/Astrogator check each round. First, not all ships have atrogators, like a System Defense Boat without Jump drives. I guess the computer would handle this check, or the pilot. In this case I guess the pilot can only do the Astrogation check (a standard action) and Adjust Range (a move action) because eveything else is a full action. If he wanted to use any other action the computer would have to make the check if no one else could do the T/Astrogation check?
3. If the pilot succeeds at Adjust Range and the Astrogator succeds in the range check, I assume the ship can adjust two move increments (which will automatically break pursuit without a break pursuit roll plus give distance between the ships).
4. A commander has two actions, Command and Tactics. Why would any commander ever use Tactics? The bonus for tactics is 1/2 his ranks in his Leader skill added to every attack, save and skill checks, while Tactics adds his Wis or Int mod to only attacks and defense only. By raising his Leader skill to enough ranks he will always exceed the bonus to tactics, and for more uses (for instance, I have a +3 mod for Int but I take 12 ranks in Leadership... that's a +4). In addition Command is a standard action while Tactics is a Full Round action, so with Command the captain can also do something else, like the T/Astrogate check.
5. Basically, a ship with a small crew is at a big disadvantage in this system.
Thanks for the comments in advance.