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Starship Transponders and the Uniform Commercial Code

It is perfectly applicable for a far trader to transport cargo that they do not own. Perhaps the
7 tons consists of the cargo of a couple
moving from one world to another (corporate transfer, moving to his or her homeworld), etc. The high tech transporters that will move a data center might be a another good example.

Some of the modern movers use consultants to move and ship across the US. But often they have to present themselves as employees. etc, etc, etc.

The large shippers are great for the mass materials
(200 tank turrets, vehicles, shipping crates...).

Savage, Elliot, Rodina,
Thanks fer clearing up some of the smoke n Mirrors fer the lesser minded in commerce out here (myself included) for understanding the vagaries of MASS commerce vs A Far Trader's loadout. Helps put the Imperium's Trade life blood at a perspective most of us haven't blinked at.

heretically yours,