I noticed that you include Assault Modular Cutters. Many mercenary units are on a tight budget and may not be able to afford the assault cutter. Could you please do a drawing with a standard modular cutter?
I noticed that you include Assault Modular Cutters. Many mercenary units are on a tight budget and may not be able to afford the assault cutter. Could you please do a drawing with a standard modular cutter?
Gladius is a Broadsword-class mercenary cruiser, one of many carrying small mercenary contingents to deployments on many worlds.
Because the 880-ton Broadsword-class cannot carry many troops and its ship construction cost is very high, they have to be the best personnel armed with the finest equipment.
Such troops are expensive to hire and are best suited to the striker or assault role, though the ship and her complement are occasionally hired to transport persons or items in the utmost security.
Lower cargo deck generally is used as armory and marshalling areas for mercenary. May be a lot of drone troopers are loaded in this area and used to support each mercenary squad on the various battlefield.
Water recycling onboard appears to be some kind is waste heat distilling process.
I'm seeing beer on tap and bottles of Corona on those mess hall tables.
Your redesign is tech level (TL) 15.
In the broader context of mercenary operations, particularly those with "less than ideal logistical support" ... that may not be viable.
Your redesign is tech level (TL) 15.
In the broader context of mercenary operations, particularly those with "less than ideal logistical support" ... that may not be viable.
That's a really nice looking bridge deck.
2 vertical shaft access points through manual hatches and drop down stairs.
6 workstations around the perimeter.
1 central workstation (presumably for the captain) in the center.
Given a choice, I would have preferred Grav Lifts running between decks, rather than vertical hatches and stairs ... but that's such a trivial point that I really can't complain about it with your 3D images.
Yeah, that's a MT era problem.
The Mercenary Cruiser detailed in LBB2.81, p20 is a TL=12 design due to having M/M/M drives for Jump, Maneuver and Power Plant.