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STAT THAT SHIP! PART 15 The Brenner Class Scout

bryan gibson

Absent Friend

I00 Dtons, Jump 2/M6 -the TPDF mainstay scout courier, In military usage by the TPDF Navy its primary mission is early detection and investigation, while its communications variant loads the cargo space with massive information storage bays, which are delivered to the Jump node common array for download/upload. The hull design has been used for nearly 70 years with little modification, and it is a common sight. Often found as a surplus hull following the first Border Wars incidents as newer variants replace it. The version pictured is a Brenner A military scout.


In military usage this communications variant loads the cargo space with massive information storage bays, which are delivered to the Jump node common array for download/upload. Used for flash traffic and day to day communcations within the fleet, a courier routinely makes several jumps in any given workday, sometimes as many as five, and the crews are always doubled, so the courier is in a constant state of movement. The version pictured is a Brenner B courier.

Both are TL 12, and are in the 100 Dton range.

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