bryan gibson
Absent Friend
oh, neat trick. Ive been simply painting, using multiple layers and either using dodge and burn, or the linear burn function ( wich for monotone peices I have had good success with.
otherwise, all the lineart is just lineart drawn freehand. My usual concession to any sort of tool is generally either some kind of straightedge (usually my drivers liscence, to be truthful)or my one and only and well used french curve. Actually, i dont use it miuch either - I just bang em out as I go, and generally dont sweat the micromillemerter precision which I envy, favoring the human feel to the imperfect product.
otherwise, all the lineart is just lineart drawn freehand. My usual concession to any sort of tool is generally either some kind of straightedge (usually my drivers liscence, to be truthful)or my one and only and well used french curve. Actually, i dont use it miuch either - I just bang em out as I go, and generally dont sweat the micromillemerter precision which I envy, favoring the human feel to the imperfect product.