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Stellar Reaches: Format of Polity Descriptions?


SOC-14 1K
Greetings, Fellow Sophonts,

Below is a suggestion for a basic interstellar polity format. I'm considering using it for the Hinterworlds 1248 supplement, and wanted to ask your opinion on it. I am looking to use this format to describe the basic polities of the Hinterworlds sector, at approximately 500-750 words per polity (that's about half to three-quarters of a page of text).

How does the format look? Does it cover the basics of what you'd like to see in an overview of the polity? If the format needs to be changed, in what ways would you suggest changing it? Does something need to be added? What needs to be dropped, if anything?

With Thanks,

* * * * *

Descriptive text goes here. This can include mention of astrographic features in and near the polity that have helped shape it, or historical notes that provide a connection to the original setting.
Capital: This brief section identifies the polity's capital world.
Population: This section should identify races commonly encountered within the polity and in the surrounding space.
Society: This section discusses the common mindset held by the general population of this polity, as an aid to Referees during gameplay and adventure design. This section should address both citizens and outsiders, if the roles are different.
Interstellar Government: This section describes the leadership capabilities of the interstellar polity. Included should be a mention of who handles the various executive, legislative and judicial duties for the interstellar government. When possible, use the names of specific people or governing bodies.
Technology: This section describes in broad strokes the technological capacities of the interstellar polity.
Economics: Closely related to Technology above, this section details some general notes on the economic status and emphasis of this polity.
Military: Closely related to Technology above, this section details some general notes on the military status of this polity.
[Edited after arriving at work]


How about also

Diplomacy--how the PE / Polity works with its neighboring worlds, as well as neighboring Polities.

--Attached like your economics & technology are to one another only to the Government heading.

As for the Format itself, & their word length, those look like they will thumbnail a better picture for the GM/Ref's using your product (when it comes out) very well, IMO.
:D :cool: x5
Your suggestion has been added in my personal notes, Liam. I had meant to include something like that in an earlier version, and I guess it got lost in the reorganization. Thanks for the catch!

How about "Major governmental goals"? This may be part of Diplomacy, but it could be internal goals as well:
- "Terraform worlds to handle growing population"
- "Pump up internal trade"
- "Calm interspecies tensions on (major world)"
or even an internal/external mix, like
- "Survive intact for ten years"
- "Strengthen local culture, to avoid aborption by the Third Imperium"

This information would tell you what the media and big-wigs are focused on, and probably where the big money (taxes) are being funneled to

Good format so far, by the way!
Thanks, Travalv2. I'll integrate that into Diplomatic Relations, as such goals often dictate foreign and domestic policies.

Thanks for the insight,
Originally posted by Flynn:
Your suggestion has been added in my personal notes, Liam. I had meant to include something like that in an earlier version, and I guess it got lost in the reorganization. Thanks for the catch!

I was re-reading my GDW-Path of Tears (dead tree version)pages 93-94 at the thumbnailing done in that version for world governments, Flynn covering certain basics--while this works for individual planets covering such things in simple High-Moderate-Low broad-brushed values, it does provide a decent model to work off of for your project (and is canon, as well as "systemless"). ;) :D

[*]Corruption-prevalence of bribery, kickbacks, graft, integrity etc.
[*]Talent-Either the leader (or leaders) is/are brilliant, or they get the "best & brightest" in public service (or the opposite).
[*]Cruelty-Do they use torture? Disperse crowds with watercannon or grapeshot? Use prisons or Gulags?
[*]Aggression-Do they covet another's territory; will they go to war? Are they into conquest and expansion by force of arms against a rival?
[*]Paranoia/Xenophobia-Can be used for either they believe in conspiracies and outside powers meddling in their affairs, to the mistrust of all things alien, foreign, or unusual.

***Now this one I believe is already covered in the collapse tables in 1248, to include technophobia & Psion-phobia as well, iirc.

[*]Diplomacy--as I've mentioned in above post.
[*]Military Strategy--a subdivision of Military strength/Manpower/etc: How well they anticipate and plan for aggression from others.
[*]Military Tactics:]--a subdivision of Military strength/Manpower/etc: How well they've trained their troops/forces, to how well they are led, supplied, etc.
[*]Leadership--The personal charismatic & innovative qualities of the government's leader(s).

'Gives you a bit more detail without bogging down, and a GM enough wiggle room to explain the differences. Granted this might be more than you wish to go into with your word limits, but thought you should see them for yourself & decide.

Helpfully yours,
Flynn, perhaps something on which worlds are the major influences in the polity.

I don't mean the High Population worlds exclusively. Basically, I am thinking about the internal politics of the polity. What worlds are fighting/cooperating with each other.

This information would give the GM some plot hooks if needed

Megacorporations? Do you mention them? Will you have MC that span multiple polities or will they be restricted to internal to the polities, perhaps a mixture?