• Welcome to the new COTI server. We've moved the Citizens to a new server. Please let us know in the COTI Website issue forum if you find any problems.

Stellar Reaches

This rocks :cool: ...
I'm in a fancy magazine...
Fame, Fortune...
Wait..Mr. Flynn on the line...
Need to send more art?...
Right away sir

Thomas Dillon
Looks great! Looks professional! And the art is excellent!

Oh, on minor nitpicking issues, it still says "Issue #2" on the botton-of-page title.
Thanks, Everyone!

I'll post an update in the next few days, fixing the errors that have been found to date. Please feel free to send me an email or post something if you find others. The nice thing about PDFs is that it's so easy to update and fix them. (Distribution is another issue, though, unless people check back occasionally.)

Thanks, and please feel free to send in more articles and artwork.
Adventures would be most welcome!

With Thanks,
Woo Hoo! I'm thrilled that my Patron submission was one of the five selected for the issue. As a professional journalist, I see my byline in print all the time. But it's still exciting to see it appear in a gaming-related publication.

The rest of the magazine looked really good, even without my piece in it. ;) Good to see all the outstanding artwork -- I wish I had the talent to draw something besides stick figures. :(

Keep up the good work, Flynn.
Originally posted by Paraquat Johnson:
Woo Hoo! I'm thrilled that my Patron submission was one of the five selected for the issue. As a professional journalist, I see my byline in print all the time. But it's still exciting to see it appear in a gaming-related publication.

The rest of the magazine looked really good, even without my piece in it. ;) Good to see all the outstanding artwork -- I wish I had the talent to draw something besides stick figures. :(

Keep up the good work, Flynn.
Hey, drawing stick figures isn´t all that bad :D

Anyway, the new Stellar Reaches issue is great - even without my submission ;) No, seriously: Very good work!