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Striker Book 3 Possible Errata Installment 1 DS 2


SOC-14 1K
Morning all,

My original and until recently unmentioned idea was to post what might be possible errata for Striker Book 3 all at one time on the CT Errata Compendium page.

DonM contacted me off the forum, after reviewing my various posts, asking if I had found any errata in Book 3. Of course I answered with a very firm "I'm not sure and will be posting what might be errata on the CT Errata Compendium page after going through all of the design sequences." At which point he suggested that posting them here is a better idea and anything that survives the review will be moved.

Looking over what I had pulled, I goofed and deleted the document, together made me reconsider my idea of a single possible errata post for Striker Book 3 to posting for each design sequence.

Without further verbiage here is the first installment:

Striker Book 3 Design Sequence 2:

Possible errata 1 DS A. 3 Type: page s 12 - 13

The last sentence states: “Hyper velocity guns are not available at tech level 5.” which is great except that, at least for me, this does not tell at what tech level a hyper velocity gun is available to a designer. Referring to the Design Sequence Tables book (DST) the HEAP Penetration Table on page 8 appears to indicate that hyper velocity guns are available at tech level 6. The CPR Ammunition Table on DST page 9 also appears to indicate that hyper velocity guns are available at tech level 6 from the entries on the price of KEAP and KEAPER ammunition.

Suggested errata entry:
Pages 12 - 13, Design Sequence 2: CPR Guns, A - Specifications 3 Type (Clarification): Change the last sentence from “Hyper velocity guns are not available at tech level 5.” to “Hyper velocity guns are available at tech level 6 and above.

Possible Errata 2: DS 2 L- Ammunition – 3: KEAPER Example page 15

The KEAPER round subtracts 2 from the penetration values for the KEAP round. The KEAPER example lists the Effective Range Penetration as 30. The KEAP Effective Range penetration value is 33 – 2 = 31.

Suggested errata entry
Page 15, Design Sequence 2; CPR Guns, L – Ammunition 3: KEAPER Example (Correction): KEAPER effective range = KEAP effective range penetration 33 – 2 = 31.

Possible Errata 3: DS 2 L- Ammunition – 5: CBM

The design rules, page 15, for a CBM round lists 3 characteristics which are contact penetration, fragmentation penetration, and hit DM. The vehicle example on Book 3 page 30 shows a fourth characteristic identified as burst size. Book 1 Rule 24 page 40 indicates that a CBM round has a burst size four times that specified for that bore size. The CBM example should also include an entry for burst size.

Suggested errata entry

Page 15, Design Sequence 2: CPR Guns, L – Ammunition, 5 CBM (Omission/Clarification/Correction): CBM rounds have a burst size characteristic in addition to the three described earlier. To determine the burst size of a CBM round cross reference the bore size with the HE Penetration column on the CPR Gun table, count down 1 row for each 2 tech levels, or fraction thereof, above 6 and multiply by 4.

Page 15, Design Sequence 2: CPR Guns, L – Ammunition, 5 CBM (Correction/Omission): Example: The gun’s CBM round has a contact penetration of 21, burst size of 12, fragmentation penetration of 7, and a hit DM of +1.

Possible Errata 4: DS 2 L- Ammunition – 9: Smoke
A. The requirements detailed on Book 3 page 16 is for a chemical smoke round and the example suggests that there is a second type of smoke round. Book 1 Rule 33: Smoke pages 47 – 48 states there are two types of smoke rounds: incendiary and chemical smoke.
B. The smoke round example only provides the burn time foe a chemical smoke round.

Suggested errata entry

Page 16, Design Sequence 2: CPR Guns, L – Ammunition, 9 Smoke (Clarification/Omission): There are two types of smoke rounds: chemical and incendiary smoke. Weapons with a bore size 6.5 cm or less fire smoke shells which creates a 1 cm x 1 cm smoke cloud; weapons with bore size of 7 cm or greater create a 2 cm by 2 cm smoke cloud. Chemical smoke rounds fired by weapons with a bore size of 9 cm or less burn for 4 turns; chemical smoke rounds fired by weapons with a bore size of 10 cm or greater burn for 6 turns. All incendiary rounds burn for 2 turns regardless of weapon bore size.

Example: Both the gun’s smoke rounds create a 2 cm smoke cloud. The chemical smoke round burns for 6 turns, while the incendiary smoke round burns for 2 turns. An incendiary smoke round has a price of 105 x 1 = Cr105 and the price for single chemical smoke round is 105 x 2 = Cr210

Possible Errata 5: DS 2 L- Ammunition – 10: Chemical

Referring to Book 2 Rule 65 Chemical Warfare pages 33 – 34 there is more information about this type of ammunition besides defining the round as being persistent or non-persistent and lethal or non-lethal. Also missing is how to determine the initial gas cloud size and price for a single chemical round.

Book 2 Rule 65 indicates that the initial cloud size for a chemical round is determined by using the HE burst size based on the weapon’s bore size.

For the chemical rounds ammunition price multiplier I would suggest using the same multiplier as assigned to the Chemical smoke round which is 2.

Suggested errata entry

Page 16, Design Sequence 2: CPR Guns, L – Ammunition, 10 Chemical (Omission/Correction/Clarification): Chemical rounds must have their agents defined by type as persistent or non-persistent and virulence, effect on personnel, as lethal or non-lethal. The minimum initial chemical gas cloud size is 1 cm x 1 cm or determined by using the HE burst size whichever is larger. The initial gas cloud created by a persistent chemical agent covering the impact area and on the next turn creates a second gas cloud of the same size drifts that downwind. The area covered by the two gas clouds are contaminated for the remainder of the game. Non-persistent agents create an initial gas cloud size that drifts downwind until leaving the playing area making the number of turns variable. The effect of lethal agents on unprotected personnel is death and non-lethal agents cause serious wounds.

Example: A non-persistent, non-lethal chemical agent round fired from the gun has a listed initial cloud size of 2, counting down 2 rows gives the initial cloud size of 3 cm x 3 cm. Non-persistent agents last a variable number of turns. A Non-lethal agent causes a serious wound against unprotected personnel. The price for single chemical round is 105 x 2 = Cr210

To list the Chemical round characteristics the format is Initial Cloud Size/Agent type/Agent Virulence/Turns/Effect. The chemical round would be listed as 3 cm x 3 cm/Non-persistent/Non-lethal/Variable/Serious wounds.

Design Sequence Tables:

Suggested errata entry 1:

Page 8, CPR Direct Fire Range Table (correction): To determine Direct Fire Range modified by KEAP and KEAPER ammunition and/or high or hyper velocity guns the process should be to count down rows not columns. Change columns to rows.

Suggested errata entry 2:

Page 9, CPR Ammunition Table (correction): The table title in Book 3 DS 2 L Ammunition does not match the title in the Design Sequence Tables book. Book 3 refers to the CPR Ammunition Price Table. Insert Price in between Ammunition and Table in the title on page 9 in the Design Sequence Table book

Suggested errata entry 3:

Page 9 CPR Ammunition Price Table Chemical Ammunition (omission): Add Chemical to the Ammunition Type column and x 2 in the multiplier column.
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Morning Carlobrand,

Or you're pretty much on the mark and no one has anything to add.

You're right about this third possibility, of course this is an unexpected occurrence for me. I was expecting to have recommendations on making changes to the wording for better flow or suggestions on making some of them less wordy.

Thanks for providing a third possibility.
Striker Book 3 Possible Errata Installment 1 DS 2 Update

Morning again all,

I've just realized that I may have missed possible errata based on Book 1 Rule 24 page 40 and the Beaten Zone Table in the Useful Tables book for the HE round.

Possible Errata 6: DS 2 L- Ammunition – 1: HE
The design rules, page 15, for a HE round lists 3 characteristics which are contact penetration, burst size, and fragmentation penetration. Book 1 Rule 24 page provides additional information that the HE round has two burst size which are ground and air. Rule 24 indicates that HE burst size listed in the CPR Gun table simulates the HE round detonating on contact with the ground and changes to an air burst size when detonation is above the ground. The air burst size multiplies the value listed on the CPR Gun table by 2.

I would like to suggest adding the air burst multiplier to the details in Book 3 for the HE rounds.

Suggested errata entry:
Page 15, Design Sequence 2: CPR Guns, L – Ammunition, 1. HE (Omission/Clarification/Correction): The CPR gun table lists the contact penetration, burst size, and fragmentation penetration of a tech level 5 and 6 HE round. This value does not vary with weapon type or range HE penetration does increase with tech level; count down 1 row on the table for every 2 tech levels (or fraction thereof) above 6. The burst size listed on the table is for a HE round that detonates with contact to the ground, rounds that detonate before contacting the ground are designated an air burst. To determine the size of the air burst multiply the listed burst size by 2.

Page 15 Example: The weapon's HE round has statistics of contact penetration/ground burst size(air burst size)/fragmentation penetration of 19/3(6)/3, count down 2 rows for tech level from the listed vales for an 11 cm weapon and multiple the ground burst size by 2 to determine the air burst size.
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