The Confederation Navy doesn't procure ships in the sense the HG rule means, buying them from shipyards.
Does the
HG2 description say that the
only way a navy can procure ships is through purchase? Or does it merely say that a navy purchases ships? There's a difference.
And how much of each ship does a navy have to purchase in order to have procured it?
However, the Confederation Navy is an organization and has a continuing existence in peacetime.
Yes indeed. The Confederation Navy has an organization and a continued existence in peacetime. It has a permanent
cadre of officers and even a few ships of it's own, doesn't it?
This implies a budget and a permanent chain of command.
Precisely. There's a budget for the Confederation
Navy and a permanent chain of command for the Confederation
Navy. What's more, we know from
TNS reports,
SMC, and the
FFW wargame among other canonical sources that during the last war the Confederation
Navy fought it was divided into four
If the Confederation Navy, with it's budget and permanent chain of command, was divided into four fleets, what does that tell us about those four fleets? Were they ad hoc groupings slapped together when the declarations of war were announced? Or were they, like the Navy they comprise, supported during peacetime by a budget and a permanent chain of command so that they could plan and train for their wartime missions?
The Navy may borrow most, or even all, its ships, officers, and men from member worlds, but it has an independent existence.
Yes, that's how the
Confederation Navy works. Oddly enough, that navy covers just about a subsector too.
Navies are like that. It's what distinguishes them from fleets.
Wrong. Fleets have independent existences too and there's a huge amount of historical examples in several navies going back centuries to support that. The current US Seventh Fleet maintains an independent existence with it's own budget and permanent chain of command regardless of the actual air, sea, and ground units assigned to it. Assets change, yet the fleet still exists.
During WW2, two of the US fleets active in the Pacific were the 5th, commanded by Spruance, and the 7th, commanded by Halsey. Those fleets' only
permanent assets were the command and planning staffs assigned to them.
An operational cycle would begin with Spruance & Co. under the 5th Fleet banner ashore planning their next campaign while Halsey & Co. under the 7th Fleet banner were at sea fighting. When the time came to launch the planned operation, Spruance & Co. would switch places with Halsey & Co. and - VOILA - the 7th Fleet magically became the 5th Fleet. No ships changed hands, aside from the usual detachments for repairs and refitting or the usual reinforcements. All the ships that had been in the 7th Fleet were now part of the 5th Fleet and yet the 7th Fleet still existed.
After a period while Halsey & Co. planned their next operation and Spruance & Co. conducted the operation they had planned, the admirals would switch again, all the ships that had been in the 5th Fleet were now part of the 7th Fleet, and the 5th Fleet still existed...
... just like the Sword Worlds Confederation Navy's four fleets exist without ships and just like the Imperium's subsector "navies" exist without ships.
In some our our earlier talks, you've explained the differences between
SMC's pre-FFW fleet deployment and
RSB's post-FFW fleet deployment by saying that the fleet moved. I agree with that, only up to a point.
Those fleets did move, but they didn't move in the way you presume they did. That movement didn't involve the
wholesale transfer of warships, transports, and other assets across multiple subsectors. What actually moved, aside from a few squadrons here and there, were the
When the 23rd Fleet moved from Vilis to Rhylanor sometime between the Fifth Frontier War and the Rebellion and when the 193rd Fleet moved to take the 23rd's place, the ships assigned to those fleets didn't pack up everything and move too. The "flags" moved, not the assets.
Why am I going on about "flags" versus "assets"? Because I think it may help us reconcile all the canonical difficulties arising from
CT's and
MT's various and seemingly at odds descriptions. We've an imperial navy, subsector navies, duchy navies, and planetary navies. We've numbered fleets, named fleets, and reserve fleets. We've regular squadrons and colonial squadrons. What we don't have is coherent system that uses them all.
But I think we might be able to craft one.