How I work things IMTU...
!: A world government is not nessesarily the same as the Subsector, sector or Domain Government. Much as the State Government of my home state(New Jersey) is not the same government as the municipal government of the capital city(Trenton). So the head of the local government commands(or is the boos of the commanders of) the Planetary Navy.
2: Planetary navies exist in Imperial Space as everything outside their atmo is owned by The Imperium. As such, The Imperial Navy is the organ of the Imperial Government that grants this license to own and operate combat vessels. This license is granted under a cooperative agreement that provides for the following:
...A) In times of peace, each licensed planetary navy(IE: Local navy) will submit to inspection and allow a percentage of their fleet to be assigned as part of the existing Subsector Navy with the following duties:
...Duty 1: All vessels assigned to the Subsector fleet will maintain communications with SbSctFltCINC via approved courior for the purpose of organization and command.
...Duty 2: When called on to attend Subsector excersizes and training, all vessels assigned to the Subsector Navy will confirm orders(via courior) and carry out all needed actions to eventually meet at the site of said training/excersizes.
...Duty 3: Provisions shall be made for improvements made at the expense of the Subsector Navy and advanced training of assigned crews to be maintained.
B) Since a local navy is not expected to submit to the loss of asset control and defense without compensation, the Subsector Navy shall provide a budget for provisioning of advanced equipment and training to local navies. This budget shall ber held by the Subsector government and dispersed as needed or proper.
C) At all times, the central cadre of commanders and staff for the Subsector Navy shall work with the world governments owning/operating the local navies to establish the following:
- A non-intrusive schedule of excersizes involving ships from member worlds and sections of the core command vessels from the Duke's Own Fleet.
- A regular schedule of excersizes which insure a constant level of training military excersizes or mobility missions provide realistic experience for member vessels
- A regular schedule of mobility missions for elements of the Subsector Navy such that SN mobility operations benefit worlds(and trade routes of) the Subsector.
As such, IMTU,
- There is always a Subsector Navy element in practice and/or mobility in each subsector.
- There is a permenant command staff for said navy
- There is a "Quid Pro Quo" for member worlds submitting to the "draft of their ships"
- Naval characters who test out well can enlist in the Subsector Navy. This would have them essentially serving on a ship owned and normally commanded by the local navy brass. But this ship would have better tech than its cousins not selected for Subsector duty. As well, the crew of this ship would have open to them training which was not available to those crews not selected for Subsector duty.
Finally, this allows for the opportunity for a character to "Be Promoted" to a ship of the regular Subsector Navy and move from their home world to the Subsector Capital.
For the Subsector Capital's part, There is a Planetary Navy and there is a SubSector Navy core command squadron. The SNCCS is a doublesized Battle squadron providing the ability to split away 1/4 its vessels per excersize while maintaining no less than 1/4 original strength in the Subsector Capital System. This last is despite what is said in the FASA product and provides base mobility for the SNCINC and staff in the event of required mobilization.
In the event of war or emergency mobilization, the SNCCS can be ordered operational by the SNCINC and, once all staff are boarded, make immediate jump for the nearest elements in excersize to integrate the fleet while smaller vessels are sent with orders for ships not in excersize indicating a rally site. This can be a mass rally or rally by squadron.
Not that MTU has any bearing on Canon or how you should carry out your TU.. Just an example