Originally posted by Norinn:
That was a huge help, but one spot was missed. What about the Navy Alixiary subsidy?
Well, I wasn't sure how to answer that. The only Navy Auxiliary subsidy I'm aware of is that of the government (implied Imperial) subsidized merchant and the contractural subject to activation as an (implied Imperial Navy) auxiliary. Guess I should have been clearer, if that is what you're after.
There is a dim thought hovering around my consciousness about the Marches subsidizing Quarantine Cutters during TNE but that might have been a house ruling. Maybe someone else recalls that in more detail if it was published.
Ah, another thing I forgot. The ship proposed for subsidization is suppossed to be built on a 600 ton hull or larger according to most rules, however since there is a standard design 400 ton Subsidized Merchant I have always treated that as a typo that should read a minimum 400 ton hull.
Now I can see a valid argument for a similar program in place to build subsidized patrol ships. It would probably only be open to Navy Officers in good standing and they would likely be given a patrol route and schedule during which time the crew would be paid at standard rates and the ship would have access to Naval bases for fueling, supply, repairs of damage incurred on patrol and annual maintenance. Any crew shortage would be made up by Navy Trainees. This would probably be a 50% annual proposition with the patrol starting after each maintenance cycle.
The other 50% of the year the Captain would be able to freelance as a Mercenary unit or do whatever struck their fancy. The Captain would be responsible for all operational costs during this time.
The Navy would make the payments on the ship with the Captain responsible only for the initial down payment of 20%. Ships would have to be built on a 400 ton minimum hull and have full hardpoint allocation.
The Navy would install weapons as needed for the Patrol assignment and likely uninstall them after, unless the Captain ordered the ship with installed weapons or added them later at their own expense.
The ship and Captain would of course be subject to recall to assignment at any time and for any duration. After 40 years the ship and Captain would be fully retired from commitment.
Oh, another mtu rule for active service ships counts duty time as double for the purposes of the release from mortgage. For example a subsidized ship with 20 years paid off is called into active service for 8 years in The (First) Interstellar War before being returned to regualar route service. The mortgage is now effectively paid off for 20+(8x2) years, or 36 years, and in 4 more years of route service the mortgage obligation is complete. Of course that assumes it isn't brought right back into active service for the quickly following Interstellar Wars, in which case the mortgage obligation will end much sooner, but the hapless ship and owner will still be subject to activation for the duration or the life of both, whichever ends soonest.