Originally posted by Christopher Schroeder:
If the winds are too high or some wierd gravametic things going on then your NOT going to land a starship there. And what do you need a 50 ton ATV for when you have a starship? If I had a 737 With VTOL capabilities I woulnt carry anything bigger than a hummer in it. Think about it, why would you leave 1/2 your ship behind when you could just bring it with you. I cant Imagine that there are that many places you could take a 50 ton ATV that you couldn't land a 100 ton scout ship.
Christopher Schroeder
These are valid points to be sure...but there are things to consider.
In response to your point about the high winds and such that is true, but weather is rarely the same all over a planet so there will be someplace you can land, but it might not be the place you need to be. Here you could still go overland to reach it.
As for the gravity problems forgive me for not being clear. An example would be there are a lot of heavy elements in a tainted atmosphere. Prolonged use of flight gravitics damage the systems and at best will be some hefty repair bills...at worse the ship will eventually crash. You land, seal up the drives and effectively still have your whole ship at your disposal.
In my experience there have been instances where we needed the resources shipboard, but the ship was needed elsewhere...like we touch down in the starport and the drives need to be worked on. We'd have to wait until the drives were fixed or rent some vehicle capable of completing our job. In this way the Spacefaring portions of the ship can be worked on while the rest of it is avaible for use.
On your 737 and hummer. What if you're out in your hummer and you're gone longer than expected. Do you have a machine shop, sick bay, galley, your own bed...a ship grade turret for defense or anything else you might need in a pinch?
Other considerations....if a ship is preferable over an ATV, why have any small craft at all? If a starship is the end all to a crew's needs there'd be no need for air rafts or ATVs or ship's boats, etc. They are useful vehicles.
As this is envisioned as a scout ship, what is the role of a scout? Exploration. The main ship finds a suitable place to land. Then the ATV portion can travel around to survey sites and such while the cradle remains as a homebase point of reference. While you can go from site to site there are no guarantees you could land there (say in a dense forest). If I choose to put some small craft controls in the cradle, then there's no reason why after a new survey location had been found and established by the ATV the cradle couldn't follow, but even if it couldn't the mission could continue.
Another thing to consider is the unique attitude with roleplayers....paranoia. How many times has a group been at odds or play bogged down because someone was worried about leaving the ship behind?
It's an oddity, true...and a novelty to be sure. Just the fact that it's wierd will make someone want to use it. Granted I didn't realize I'd have to do so much work to justify the design, but I hope that I've shown that it does have it's uses.