Thanks for that, Sig. You definitely are the "canonmonger".
When my players say, "Hey, it's just a 40 min flight to Dallas from Houston--and the 727 isn't a TL13 spacecraft! Certainly, a starship can get to open space faster than 30 minutes!"
I'll reply to 'em, "Yeah, but your spacecraft is big and bulky, and eventhough the hull is streamlined for atmsopheric entry, it would still drop like a rock without it's contra-grav drive...
"...and all the way up, it's pushing all that wind drag. Heck, it's not too different from the ship struggling it's way through the ocean--lots of water to push out of the way."
As a person, I didn't have a clue as to why the spacecraft took so long to get to orbit.
As a GM, though, now, I'll sound like I know what I'm talking about.
Thanks again, Sig.