I am working on a series of ships for a scout/survey branch. what I am currently working on is a *k ton Survey cruiser. Using the designation Cruiser due to it's role as an independent operating vessel leading and supporting a survey operation.
I ad planned it to operate more as a central hub for several of the Survey corvettes I have worked up ( in rough) Acting as a tender and heavy escort for those ships.
Since each corvette has a large section of it's tonnage set aside for labs and such, I was planning to have it more for support. Fewer labs, but a lot of storage, repair hangers, and extra small craft. including a construction bay, and hanger for at least one 400 ton corvette so it can perform in field repairs, and install/fabricate modules on corvettes as needs change.
I thought I'd get some ideas and feedback before i actually stated the build. Range, thrust, and armaments would be secondary, since it's not a combat ship..only acting in a self/group defense role if attacked by small units..the entire group would jump away if a sizable hostile force showed up.
I wanted to focus on what would be the absolute minimum facilities, and special hardware people thought a Ship like this would need.
what I have in mind
Hanger for 400 ton corvette
construction Deck for up to 30 ton modules/vehicles.
Hangers for spare small craft. ranging from 10 to 50 tons.
Large medical bay. 20 patients standard/40 if they double bunk patients.
It would support a group of ships consisting of
4 Survey corvettes
6 100 ton scouts
2 Armed Survey escorts
1 SAR Ship
2 cargo ships
1 tanker/fuel processor
the entire mission would be to conduct top to bottom surveys of poorly charted systems, support scientific/archaeological operations. And hazard charting operations.
If possible it would position itself in a central system with several systems withing short hops via jump, and deploy it's assigned vessels to specific operations.
Another mission would be to act as a mobile hub for various SAR, medical/technical assistance operations in regions where there are several small colonies/world that have no independent facilities..
usually short term operations in the event worlds in that are are experiencing unusually difficult situations. Or local Scout bases and Fleet detachments, need an extra set of hand/eyes/ears.Usually they would rotate to a new assignment after several months, to a year on station.
I ad planned it to operate more as a central hub for several of the Survey corvettes I have worked up ( in rough) Acting as a tender and heavy escort for those ships.
Since each corvette has a large section of it's tonnage set aside for labs and such, I was planning to have it more for support. Fewer labs, but a lot of storage, repair hangers, and extra small craft. including a construction bay, and hanger for at least one 400 ton corvette so it can perform in field repairs, and install/fabricate modules on corvettes as needs change.
I thought I'd get some ideas and feedback before i actually stated the build. Range, thrust, and armaments would be secondary, since it's not a combat ship..only acting in a self/group defense role if attacked by small units..the entire group would jump away if a sizable hostile force showed up.
I wanted to focus on what would be the absolute minimum facilities, and special hardware people thought a Ship like this would need.
what I have in mind
Hanger for 400 ton corvette
construction Deck for up to 30 ton modules/vehicles.
Hangers for spare small craft. ranging from 10 to 50 tons.
Large medical bay. 20 patients standard/40 if they double bunk patients.
It would support a group of ships consisting of
4 Survey corvettes
6 100 ton scouts
2 Armed Survey escorts
1 SAR Ship
2 cargo ships
1 tanker/fuel processor
the entire mission would be to conduct top to bottom surveys of poorly charted systems, support scientific/archaeological operations. And hazard charting operations.
If possible it would position itself in a central system with several systems withing short hops via jump, and deploy it's assigned vessels to specific operations.
Another mission would be to act as a mobile hub for various SAR, medical/technical assistance operations in regions where there are several small colonies/world that have no independent facilities..
usually short term operations in the event worlds in that are are experiencing unusually difficult situations. Or local Scout bases and Fleet detachments, need an extra set of hand/eyes/ears.Usually they would rotate to a new assignment after several months, to a year on station.