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Sydite artwork in T20 and SciFi20

Is that a picture of a sydite on the cover of the referee's screen? The elderly balding gentleman standing behind a man with a goatee and a shorter "barker" carrying a laser carbine? Does the image exist elsewhere? Was it drawn by Bryan Gibson or another artist?
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He appears to have at least three arms.

PS. I think there may be a thread that discus sex this previously, but I'm not sure which one it may have been. :)
Thanks for the info and thank you for your reply.

I couldn't find the thread that mentions this so maybe a moderator will close this one own.

I forgot to say that this picture is on the SCiF20 referee's screen cover. It is available at DTRPG using the "quick preview" option on the SciFi20 Referee's Screen web site.

Is it possible for a sydite/Khuur to be shorter than a human or a vorfen (vargyr)? Sure would be cool if it was. The description in the handbook indicates that sydites can be very physical and perhaps a bit slow-witted but this guy seems to have a great deal of personality and is a very interesting character..
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