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T20 Ley sector

I have just finished down loading the UWP from the Star Map and has anyone else noticed that there are Tl3 vacumn planets with 90million people (I didnt think you could build vac suits at Tl3).
Also if a system has no gas giant and no water on planet how does it have a class B starport???, it also has no belts.
Yes i am entering the uwp's into gal (no star data) so if anyone wants a copy stick your mail adress OR someone with a site could put it on it (yes i dont have one).
I am also assumming that the Gateway book is going to have system maps and write ups on some if not most planets in it (this is going to be a big book).
Has anyone thought about a landgrab for t20 (there must be atleast one responsible but insane person out there that the owners kinda trust), lets face it you dont have to except all entrys only good ones.
Most people like to see their name in print.
So thats about three different topics covered, I await your most edifying comments.
Until next time.
Originally posted by Lionel Deffries:
I have just finished down loading the UWP from the Star Map and has anyone else noticed that there are Tl3 vacumn planets with 90million people (I didnt think you could build vac suits at Tl3).
TL reflects the average local available industrial tech level. It doesn't mean that outside technology cannot have been imported to maintain an arcology or other enclosed environmental system.

Also if a system has no gas giant and no water on planet how does it have a class B starport???, it also has no belts.
Other worlds in the system may have water or ice on them.

The stranger UWPs are the ones that are most fun for me. It means I have to use my imagination to come up with why things are the way they are.

I would say that ther has probably been a deterioration in technological knowhow and although they might have enough technology to survive a vacuum world , the general technolgy is probably low and they have to import alot! ;)