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T20 Strategy Concerns


FFE/QLI's T20 supplement strategy is clearly based on WotC's "network externalities" strategy. This is the principle that every d20 product sold will increase the demand for the D&D Player's Handbook, increasing sales of WotC's core product. So selling 2320 or T2KD20 will likewise boost sales of T20. But T20 is not the PHB, T20 *needs* the PHB. Requiring T20 rather than the PHB or D20 Modern therefore means that you need two extra books (T20 & PHB) rather than one (PHB or D20 Modern). And T2K is not by any definition an alternative Traveller universe. You don't need starship construction rules to play T2K any more than you need rules on rolling up elves.

I believe that faced with the prospect of shelling out for the PHB, T20 and T2KD20, the average punter will just go for D20 Modern. Likewise, if they want hard SF in D20, they'll just go for D20 Future. Buy one or two books about what you actually want to play, or buy three, two of which you'll use only occasionally? This is not a particularly tough choice for the average consumer who doesn't know from past experience how good T2K/2300 are.

IMVVVVHO FFE/QLI should either sell these settings on their own strengths and with their own rules, just requiring a WotC core rulebook like T20 (this includes 2320, which has very different world, starship and animal construction rules to Traveller) or position them as usable with T20 AND D20 Modern. Buying a spare copy of the T20 along with the PHB and T2KD20 just to wander through the ruins of Warsaw is too transparent a marketing ploy. Better to risk driving another company's sales in tandem with ones own than to risk losing sales to them.

T2KD20 and 2320 will be successful. The games they are based on are strong settings offering unique play experiences. I'm sure they'll sell well within the existing T20/GDW-fan market. But they will fare better, particularly outside of that existing marker, if presented as D20 standalones or as compatible with T20 AND D20 Modern, rather than as an attempt to reproduce a successful strategy outside of the conditions that make that strategy successful in a way that runs the risk of encouraging prospective new buyers to purchase zero books rather than two.

- Rob.

You might not be aware, but QuikLink are working on a T20 Players Book that will include the 'missing' PHB/DMG stuff, and that as a result will be OGC but not d20 licensed. See the March update for more details.

I think that gives them a much stronger ability to do what you're suggesting they are doing.
Originally posted by robmyers:
FFE/QLI's T20 supplement strategy is clearly based on WotC's "network externalities" strategy.
It is? Guess I missed that memo...

As pointed out in the previous reply, there is a Player's book already drafted and being playtested currently.

I thought the idea behind T20 and T2320 was to appeal to the D&D playes who aren't flexible enough to learn two game systms? They already have the PHB.
Originally posted by Uncle Bob:
I thought the idea behind T20 and T2320 was to appeal to the D&D playes who aren't flexible enough to learn two game systms? They already have the PHB.
They do and it does. Creating our own player's book does nothing to change that.
