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T4 FF&S II erratta questions


Looking at the table for the bomb pumped lasers, I see penetration values listed much like TNE's lasers as some multiple of the DV, with the multiple growing larger as the DV increases. Yet in the laser design rules and formula I see no mention of a penetration value calculation. So should T4 FF&S II's lasers have penetration = DV or apply the formula from TNE's FF&S laser design rules.
In the Erratta I see a change from DV = 2.5*SQRT(intensity) to DV = 3.6*SQRT(intensity) for laser weapons, should the DV listed in the bomb pumped warhead tables be increased by 3.6/2.5 ?
Good question.
It is detailed, specific and clearly shows that you did your homework (rather than just posting a lazy question because reading the rules is too much effort).

Unfortunately, I have no idea what the answer should be, but I look forward to finding out along with you. [T4 is one of those things that I acquired cheaply and just havn't gotten around to yet.]