Here's a list from my game group. Sorry for duplicates. Feel free to discuss.
Pg 276, Firmpoints, 1st paragraph, 3rd line: "ion" should be "on".
Pg 303, Table B, Sensor Tech Level Stage Effects, some negative numbers have spaces between the "-" and the number and some don't, should be standardized one way or the other.
Pg 307, Tables B, C and D contain numerous redundancies. This may be intentional, but I think it confuses the reader. Consider reorganizing the data into a single table as:
Description, Squares, Tons, MCr, , Access, Passenger, Crew, Life Support, Comment
Cargo Lock, 2, 2, .04, x, , , , Height 2.5m Width 3.0m
Standard Stateroom, 2, 2, 0.1, , x, x, , 1 passenger. No fresher
Common Fresher, 1, 1, 1.0, , x, x, x, shared by up to 10 individuals
Et cetera
Pg 307, Table D, what is the capacity of the medical low berth? I could see arguments for 1, 2 or 4 depending on whether it's more like a standard low berth, or an emergency low berth.
Pg 350, Table P, 7th column should say "Ultimate"
Pg 354, Identifying Space Sensors — it looks like the Imp AR Surf Radar line is duplicated (w/missing TL#).
Pg 355, Hardpoints and Firmpoints — duplicate entries for this on the page
Pg 413 (actual): Gas Giant Skimming: Ship’s G must exceed GG Size/100.
Maybe this should be GG Size/10.
Pg 520, Computers: Are there no TL/MCr/Tonnage information for the Mechanical and/or Positronic Stages? Are there any benefits to the advanced computer types other than the EMP resistance (except for Photonic which has a cost benefit)? Is there a tonnage benefit/negative for a Photonic computer?
NOTE: Computer Tech Level Stage Effects didn't make it from Master Text Old to Text Master, and not to 5.09, either.