Drive sizes - need some SERIOUS help and clarification
I have run into some confusion on drive sizes, and before I submit something on this, I want to run it by the group for discussion. I am referring to gravatic and maneuver drives, aka G-drive and M-drive.
I tried to find descriptions and definitions of the different drive types for vehicle maker, and really found nothing useful in the section. Apparently there are assumptions made that the reader has an idea what the drives are, and how they work.
In the ACS section, the drives are described, but mention NOTHING about any vehicle types other than ACS ships. Assuming the same definitions apply to both the vehicle and the ACS rules, the descriptions should probably be moved elsewhere.
Reading thru the BBB, T5.09 page 245, in Vehicle maker, states
Grav. The vehicle moves using the Gravitic or G-Drive. This includes flyers and small craft among other things -- see page 246.
Later, T5.09 page 295 lists the minimum tonnage of a size-A G-Drive as 9 (nine) tons. This is in the Adventure Class Ships (ACS) portion, for ship design.
Finally, T5.09, page 675, in the subunits of the ton table, I found the quote
For example: the smallest G-Drive is 0.25 tons; often labelled a 1-cube drive
The current T5.09 errata documents reads --
Page 295, 11 Starship Drives, Drive Tons (omission): Minimum tonnages are missing. Add note to bottom of table, “No drive can be smaller than the ‘A’ drive of its class, even after modifications like Stage Effects.”
This has some potentially serious implications for small craft such as shuttles, cutters, pinnaces, and the like.
Is there truly a "vehicle-sized" G-drive, smaller than 9 tons?
If so, what is the difference between a vehicle maker G-drive and an ACS G-drive?
Actually, once maneuver drives (M-Drives) become available, are grav drives pretty much gone by the wayside? Especially considering the minimum M-drive is TWO tons, and is an improved G-drive?
Next, looking at the T5.09 small craft listing on page 265, under the SPEED column, it REALLY adds to the confusion, because those speeds seem to have NO RELATION I CAN FIND between hull size and drive type; yet by default it'll be a grav drive, as noted on pages 245 and 246. I think hull size SHOULD be a factor in speed calculations. Also, the speeds listed here don't seem to conform to SPEED table 07 on page 255.
To use a phrase that Terl (Battlefield Earth) might have used if he were smarter, What the Crap Nebula am I missing?