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T5 and 2300AD

my old group had an alternate solution.
first assumption- 1 sector(trav)=1 star map (2300)
now our history-
first at the end of the kafir war the group being pretty packed and of advanced universe shaking rank, the group leader becoming the sorta UN fleet/earth multinational kafir defense fleet high honcho/admiral sort (translate this realistically of course),the where embarked on the final kafir smashing battle. at this time the group was tired of nationalistic politcal infighting that almost lost the war. they were embattled politacally to get this mission off the ground when they got sick of it and pulled a fast one they took over and instatuted a federation of sorts. (i'm trying to skip the details but for info this sorta just evolved) any how the conquored the kafir and later kafir sung and pretty much all at least industrial teched aliens joined all non industrial teched were proteched. next the pents invented gravatics. gravatics btw was not "flying carpet" but field techs. it only allowed new tech advances and was used in augumentation of existing techs example- a atmo fighter still needed wings and propulsion to fly but smaller ones. this allowed those neat air cars to come about and flypacks.
now just how does a starship with 7ly shutter warp get to pleaidies anyway?
answer- a french reasearh based ship of the federation using new gravatic 8ly (remember kafir ships had greater range) drives has a mishap. the shutterwarp engine on its test flight appears to conflict with gravatic fields and instaed or the standard shutter warp jump in micro seconds it has a full 1 week jump (the new jump drives btw) and lands in the vland sector.
voila fist contact the just have a ceaser/rubicon type thing go on and you get the emperor going easy as pie to fit this all in and just recycle history to get it all real
ps ps btw.
as far as marketing goes. hate to be sarcastic but i don't care see as a traveller fan i have every single product until the fall of gdw and i really wish that this would go in the future with all new stuff instead of just recycling all of what we really all have my biggest peave are the unanswered questions ie.
what happened on the zho core expaditions?
how a bout after the virus (terminater like vampire fleet empires) are found and defeated.
did the imperium ever come back?
what ever happened to the poor denebians, and norris?
You'll find the answers to those questions in the 1248 sourcebook, to be published by QLI (it's in playtest at the moment - if you want to find out more then subscribe to the Moot and get access to all the playtest files).
And I'm forgetting my manners.

Welcome aboard coz10
Didn't the TNE FF&S have shutterwarp as an alternate form of drive?

The problem could be solved by just making the material that runs the Shutterwarp very rare and not really duplicable with even Imperial TL Chemistry (such as those at the Superheavy elements). Whereas, Lathium is as common as rain in most systems.

While not an Old Timer (started playing in 1984), so very much part of New Guard, I would welcome the reconcilation between the two Travellers and I do still feel the diappointment that 2300AD was not the pre-Traveller story but I hope that IW will reconcile this spot. But, then again, I also really enjoy the Hardness of the early years of T:2300 and that would have trouble fitting into any sort of Traveller Campaign.

My solution would be just add an appendix onto 2320 will possible ways of reconciling the two...as I doubt very much that SJG would do it for IW...although, it would be nice concession to all us who bought SJG T:2300 clones (eg. Terradyne [Near Earth Game] or Transhuman Space [a product that resembled 2300AD on drugs but then changed into something else])
Kafka, 1984 makes you an old timer... that was the year everything changed.... ;)

I started in 1983... and when dragon said that 2300 was the history of the traveller universe, I was thrilled.

I've run OTU games with 2300 characters... 2300 is a GREAT ruleset...
I hope that IW will reconcile this spot
Considering that it is absolutely definitely set at the end of the first Imperium, I think you'll find that it will satisfy that nicely.

Frankly, I don't know what planet GDW were on by suggesting that 2300AD could be the same universe as the OTU in the first place. The two settings have nothing in common at all (other than that they both have humans from Earth), and the rules are completely different.
2300 early press implied it was, but that was before it was written; after the game was played (a wargame to build the 2300 history) it was clearly not, but GDW didn't make that clear...

after complaints galore, they fixed it.