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T5 cover ?

Originally posted by Malenfant:
MT, TNE, and T4 certainly didn't have that style at all. T20 itself and the Gateway book also had a different look.
This comment got me to thinking about the proposed T5 and how it might look. Personally, I like the CT look. It was simple, uniform, and consistent. It always gave me the impression that Traveller was not trying to sell me on a 'look' or a piece of flash - it always felt like 'here are the rules - you supply the imagination'.

And I guess I am biased too. I disliked everything after CT: The Rebellion, the New Era, Millue 0 - each of those killed Traveller a little more in my humble opinion. Instead of continuing to build on what was already there, what was tried and true, fleshing it out more and providing even more details; it succumbed to the 'lets re-invent the wheel' syndrome. A new background that required yet even more support and new details that would inevitably never come. Interest lost because each later edition was forcing yet something else upon MTU that I did not condone.

The best thing that happened to Traveller in my opinion was the GURPS version. And while I do not use it, I think what they did - background-wise - was awesome. (note: Though this whole 'Intersteller Wars' version is such a bad idea, IMHO.)

Anyway - I say go back to the black cover with the Red line LBB look... or make the line Green or Blue or Puce. Its a classic look, from a time when it seems the game sold more copies than all the later versions combined.

Just my 0.02Cr
And on the plus side... you could just use Berka's LBB generator to create your cover! The work's already done, except for filling in a few fields!

Originally posted by tlindsey:
Merxiless: Thanks for the nice comment. I'm glad you really like that cover. That's my iconic image of what Traveller is all about. Maybe I should make some high resolution print available on www.cafepress.com if you're willing to pay that much. ;)

- Ted
All joking aside, I'd gladly pay for a large posterized version of this sort of thing on some decent weight quality media that could be drymounted, with enough resolution to stand being blown up to 17"x11" or larger. The image of the Scout approaching the planet is breathtaking and well worth framing and hanging in my game room. It does capture the epitome of Traveller...

So if you ever feel inclined to make a hi-res version available or as a poster, I'm sure you'd find some buyers, even if you just did it at cost-recovery rates.

Anyway, great work in any event.
In the opinion of someone who still plays using the LBB 1-8, Id LOVE to see a return to the LBB format, though Ted Lindsey has an excellent desighn and valid point if cover art is to be used.
BUT regardless of what we would like to see, we will get what we get, and I for one cant wait!
Originally posted by tlindsey:
Merxiless: Thanks for the nice comment. I'm glad you really like that cover. That's my iconic image of what Traveller is all about. Maybe I should make some high resolution print available on www.cafepress.com if you're willing to pay that much. ;)

- Ted
Ted, here's another thought: If there's a hitch with you providing a high-res render of your lovely image due to licensing stuff, I'd be willing to make a worthy donation to a charity or something of that sort as an alternative. I'd just really like a good enough res to be able to blow it up to about 17x11 or whatever rough dimensions are around that size and get it drymounted. That's a pretty great image.

And if T5 were to have a cover, that would be an *excellent* image for it, if they don't want to go retro-LBB style.
Originally posted by Maladominus:
Put a scantily-clad blonde spacegirl on the front cover... and we'll see an instant market-sales Renaissance in Traveller once more.
That is the greatest idea I ever read.
Thread Resurrect

Let's say Marc was able to hire an artist who basically understands Traveller or has seen or done prior Traveller art. For instance, David Deitrick has done a lot of stuff for different versions of Traveller. If someone like that was to do a cover for the Traveller main rulebook, what might a good, iconic, dramatic, imagination-grabbing cover look like?

GURPS First In, does a pretty good job. I would add filter masks along with people engaged in other activities like setting up a weather balloon, sensors around the parameter. Perhaps, a ruined city or crashed starship somewhere off in the distance. Changing the colours and the background to resemble more a photo from some of the Mars rovers.
re Kafka, yes that's good stuff.

And naturally, Jesse's stuff always grabs me.

So far I'm seeing Scout ships, i.e. exploring the unknown.
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Nice shot Andrew! You ought to post some of your work in the Gallery (with a link back to your site in the description)