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T5 cover ?

Red stripe is great. The cover is up to your usual standard (which is excellent).

I could see this as a cover provided the next page is black, followed by a front cover which takes up the action that would be happening to the right of the picture. As it might be just optics but when I was looking at, I kept expecting to see something to the right of the image...

Love the fact that you don't see where the laser shot is coming from...this could be revealled on the back cover. Andrew, please tell me, that you have offered your services to Mongoose...

Similarly, Mongoose, I really hope you know and will use this board to vet through ideas and designs, as Hunter has created a first class community here.

Your day is coming, Andrew, I am sure. However, I guess that Marc is relying upon Mongoose's artists for T5. So, the only Mongoose product that comes immediately to mind is Conan...so, given Marc's well reluctance about certain forms of apparel or lack there of...the Mongoose cover might look like nothing we ever expected...:devil:

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