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T5 - High Five (The Roll High Method)

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A ton of Traveller fans dislike the T5 task system. I've been very vocal about my dislike of it. One of the aspects of the system is that it's a roll low system. Well, I've been thinking about the system, and there is a way to change one aspect of it.

You can roll high instead of rolling low. Ref's can hide target numbers when needed (as with Sensor tasks).


- You roll a number of dice as indicated by the T5 Roll Low system.*

- You add skill and stat to your throw total, along with any other modifiers.

- The target number is created based upon the number of dice thrown.

Target Number = 7 x Dice

Your High Five target number is 7 times the number of dice thrown on the T5 task. See the targets for each difficulty in the post below.

That's it. That's how to roll high using the T5 edition of Traveller. The probabilities of High Five and the T5 system are identical.

*I haven't cracked how to roll only 2D yet, but I'm thinking on it.
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Target Numbers

For ease of reference, here is a table showing possible target numbers.

[U][B]T5 Difficulty Dice[/B][/U]        [U][B]High Five Target Number[/B][/U]
[INDENT]1D                                  7
2D                                 14
3D                                 21
4D                                 28
5D                                 35
6D                                 42
7D                                 49
8D                                 56
9D                                 63


Pg. 136, T5

To surgically remove an appendix
Hopeless (6D) < (DEX + Medical)

Character: DEX-7, Medical-5

6D for 12 or less (2% chance)

High Five

To surgically remove an appendix
6D + 12 for 42+

6D for 30+ (2% chance)


Pg. 213, T5

Baron Joseph Hemdian 99988C Fighting-3, Slug Thrower-2, armed with a rifle finds himself in a firefight with native tribesmen who are at Long Range (R=4).

C+S = 14
S-R = 1

4D for 15 or less (66% chance)

High Five

4D + 15 for 28+

4D for 13+ (66% chance)


Pg. 179, T5

To mimic a sound
Difficult (3D) < Dexterity + SoundMimic

Character: DEX-5, SoundMimic-1

3D for 6 or less (9% chance)

High Five

3D + 6 for 21+

3D for 15+ (9% chance)

High Five Note: You can add the modifiers to the task throw, or you can subtract them from from the High Five difficulty target. Your choice. (And, this allows a Ref to keep some modifiers secret, unlike the T5 roll low system).
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I just came up with High Five tonight after messing around with the T5 task system, but once I posted it, I saw at the bottom where the board suggests like threads. It seems that I wasn't the first to think this way. Check out THIS POST from way back in 2004 during the pre-release discussion (of which I did not partake).

Like minds think alike, I guess. :)
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Ya know...

I think folks (okay me, and maybe others) might not see you as such a T5 troll if almost all of your suggested solutions did not seem to be a variant of "make it work like Classic Traveller". I know it would be easier for me, can't really speak for everyone else, which you do claim to often, what with the "ton of Traveller fans". Truth is I mostly hear you bagging T5 for not being CT+, which is odd, since to me (and again only me, maybe) it is like CT & MT's love child with a new Task system (which I very much like, but then I liked a chunk of T4 too).

How about a solution for your "I hate T5!" campaign that acknowledges that the system is not going to be CT, but remain Traveller, 5th Edition? I mean I know you can, you were doing pretty good in the Spectacular Success/Failure thread (which being the fan boy I am, I don't see much problem with, it also helps I am not a maths person).

You speak of "tons of Traveller fans", yet these words, I do not think they mean what you think they mean. :devil: Seriously, as a Traveller fan and not an Edition only fan, I have and enjoy all editions of Traveller and take them for what they are. Even GT which POs me with its lack of metric and point buy system of CharGen has parts I totally dig, like it's fiddly complexity and the first real CGI. Hell, I very much dig TNE's NPC Motivation system, though I am weirded out still a bit by the D20 system, but I did play/have Traveller: 2300 and Twilight 2000 so I could hack it, but I only just got it with my T5 stuff. Point is you don't see me bagging them in special "I hate XT" threads and links to my voluminous collection of "Fixes" for my perceived problems.

Please, turn down the dial on the Hate-O-Tron 5. Please.
Here's a solution you may want to try! Stop reading my posts! Give it a go! Just ignore me!

You'll be less angry, I think.

[m;]There comes a point when continued browbeating crosses into being actions to the detriment of the community.[/m;]

Thread closed after consult with Cryton and in light of prior moderator public warning.
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