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T5PG / Taking the text back to 1983


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3-page PDF attached. Please find character generation tables for the three military careers, abridged, updated (yes updated AND abridged), and formatted LBB-style.

Related Notes:

I've blatantly plagiarized from The Traveller Book and MegaTraveller, and come up with something that scratches two of my Traveller itches:

(1) remove things until there's nothing left to remove...
(2) ...but it's still Traveller5

Is it as fast as LBB1? Well, yes. Is it Traveller5? Well, yes, although it is simplified.

Is it done?

Well, the rules are done, and most of the lists. Combat examples are not done yet, and I have two more characters I've started generating that I want to include as examples. And there's a couple pages on "hazards" that really needs to be assembled from the T5 Big Black Book.

And something about chargen is still bothering me, a little bit. Maybe I can live with it, though.

And there's no art. I will talk to Tim about that. We need art.


  • T5PG Chargen 1-2-3 - 2017-04-18.pdf
    363.6 KB · Views: 63
Rob - how do we use it? What are we rolling for with those attributes?

(Keep in mind: I threw my hands up in frustration and quit bothering to try to decipher T5 char gen before the first CD...)
My fault. The bare tables don't tell you how T5 works.

T5 is roll-under, so instead of rolling e.g. 2D >= 8, you're rolling 2D <= characteristic. If you fail an enlistment roll, you submit to the draft (Scouts, Merchants, and Rogues fill the other 3 draft slots).

The survival rolls rotate between three characteristics; the first one is used in the first term, the second in the second, the third in the third, then the list re-starts.

The tables also don't mention skill receipts. It's one per term, plus one per survival success, one per promotion, and one per commission. If any of those rolls is a 2 exactly, you get an additional skill. Scouts, of course, get double the skill receipts.
I know it's a bare bones, but you missed the personal development tables.

And I am with Aramis, a paragraph at start to explain chargen would be useful.

Is there a plan to strip down the other careers? Something like this and the example equipment would easily be the beginning of a new LBB box set introduction to T5, allowing things like the makers to be done as supplementary LBB expansions.
Pendragon, I've forgotten your real identity. My apologies. All of our aliases aren't necessarily helpful to aging brains.
T5 is roll-under, so instead of rolling e.g. 2D >= 8, you're rolling 2D <= characteristic.

FYI, T4 may be useful for tweaks, since T4 is roll under and its task system is very similar to the binary language of moisture vaporators--uh, sorry. I've got Star Wars on the brain right now. I meant to say that T4's task system is very similar to T5's (and I know that you know that). :eek: The roll under chargen tables may be helpful with your new system.