Originally posted by Lionel Deffries:
500-ton De-class Destroyer Escort, New Ship Name (TL11)
Crew: 0 Total. 7 Command and Control, 2 Maneuver Drive, 1 Medical, 4 Nuclear Damper Operators, 5 Turret Gunners, 1 Maintenance.
Hull: 500-ton VGSL, Heavy Frame, Standard Materials, Crystaliron (Standard) Armored Sphere configuration Hull (DR 1000, Thermal Super-conducting Armor, Psi-Shielded), Standard Compartmentalization, Basic Stealth(-7, AMod 2), Basic Emission Cloaking(-7, PMod 2 [-3, PMod 6 in space]).
Control Areas: Basic Bridge(Hardened, Complexity 8), AESA-UHv, PESA-UHv, Computer Bank(8xMacroframe, HiCap, Hardened, Complexity 9), EW(Hardened, Complexity 9).
Communicator Range (mi) Radio Maser Laser Meson
Basic Bridge 50,000,000 0 100,000,000 15,000
Sensors Range/Rating (mi) PESA AESA Radscanner
Basic Bridge 30,000/38 150,000/42 10,000/35
AESA-UHv 0/0 7,000,000/52 0/0
PESA-UHv 7,000,000/52 0/0 0/0
EW Range(/Rating) (mi) Area Jammer Radio Direction Finder Radio Jammer
EW 45/7 5,000,000,000 50,000
Engineering: Engineering, 2 Fusion Power Slice, 21 Jump Drive, 148 Maneuver Drive(6.01 / 6.01 Gs, 14,800 stons thrust), 156 Cryonic Internal Tank(Fire 0, 1 Scoops), Fuel Processor(19.4 hours to refine Cryonic Internal Tank), 105.9 Man-Hours/day Maintenance.
Accommodations: 2 Accommodation, Full Life Support, 2 Luxury Stateroom, Military Sickbay(5 Patients), Brig/Armory/Safe(25 Users), Gymnasium(4 Users), Logistics(6 Users).
Misc: Preserved Provision.
Armaments: 4 Nuclear Damper(20 mi), 2 Turret Batteries of 2 each (DR500, 870 Mj Hv Laser[RoF Bonus +1]), 1 Turret Battery of 1 (DR500, Sand Caster [200], Sand Caster Half Load [x100]), 2 Hull Mount Batteries of 2 each (870 Mj Hv Laser[RoF Bonus +1]).
Weapon Name Qty Type Acc SS Dmg RoF 1/2 Rng Max
870 Mj Hv Laser 8 Imp 33 30 6dx100(2) 1/60 (+7) 35000/3 105000/10
Sand Caster [200] 1 (+0)
Stores: 2.5 Hold.
Statistics: EMass 2,462.66 stons, LMass 2,462.66 stons, Cost MCr487.18, HP 57,574, Size Mod 9, HT 12, CP 59.
Performance: Jump-3 (3), Acc 6.01 / 6.01 Gs, Airspeed 7,606 mph, Skimming Airspeed 21,511 mph, Aerostatic Lift 14,800 stons.
Sample Times (Earth Std, Full Load): Orbit 0.04 Hrs, Escape Velocity 0.05 Hrs, 100D 2.6 Hrs, Earth-Mars 44.72 Hrs.
Software Package Qty % Utilization Description
Astrogation Jump 3 3 0.0000 C2, Astrogration (Jump) 10
Damage Control 3 12.5000 C9, Damage Control +9
Datalink 3 0.0000 C1
Fire Direction 1 4.1667 C9, Gunner (Missiles) +10
Gunner 5 0.2083 C7, Gunner 15
Targeting 5 20.8333 C9, Targeting +10
Totals 37.7083
Turrets add to Jump Tonnage for Jump Drive/Fuel calculations
Printed 6/11/2003 7:22:02 PM
Copyright © 2000 by Lionel Deffries