Ah never knew about this game, looks very cool
It's got a Traveller-ish feel. You command this huge ship in combat. You can automate or direct turrets yourself. It's a space combat game using captial warships. You can drop your Marines off on a space station and listen to the battle, then watch the Marine shuttle come back to your ship.
If you're a Traveller gearhead, you like it because you decide which systems and weapons to put on your ship. You can have the loadout changed at drydock. There are several types of sensors and weapon types to choose from, each with pros and cons.
In combat, you can just let your ship go broadsides with your enemy, or you can use selective targeting that is not too different from Book 2 Combat. You command one ship, but you can order the rest of your fleet to engage targets at your discretion (when you are the flagship). Battles can be HUGE. All captial ships are named. With the smaller vessels, like fighters, you get squadrons. During combat, you direct repairs, ordering your Engineering people to focus on certain systems over others, or all equally (Scotty, We NEED those weapons back online!).
As I said earlier, I wished the game continued with just the Stiletto, but you end up getting this high-tech vessel call the Anglewing that has grav plates and such (the Stiletto has moving sections that create gravity in some parts of the ship, but not all).
Fun game.
If you're interested in it, I bet you can find it on Steam for a couple of bucks.
EDIT: Tech, at the start of the game, is a bit lower than Traveller. No grav plating. It takes FOREVER to get from Earth to Jupiter (no FTL). The game has a great, in depth story and universe--you could steal it for a Traveller or 2300 variant game.
2nd EDIT: Oh, yeah, and the game does a really good job of giving you an idea of just how far it is between worlds (or even a world and a moon) in this game. You start off in our real solar system.