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Terra UWP A-877B99-D in Agent of the Imperium / Tainted Air?

Just received my copy of Agent of the Imperium, the Expanded Edition and see that Terra's UWP is listed with a tainted atmosphere. Assuming this is the UWP circa late 600-700, what canon references are there to the taint in the atmosphere which is no longer present by the 1100's as documented in the Solomani RIm supplement.

This is a nicely packaged and presented book. I'm looking forward to the next in the series.
Judging by the pollution content of the atmosphere ...

Even more dramatic is a population of B (100s of billions). What the what?
There's a REASON why the Solomani "exported" colonists like there was no tomorrow during the Rule of Man and Long Night and Antebellum Third Imperium days. It's very easy to believe that the atmosphere of Terra became tainted by pollution (and thus an Industrialized world) for a significant portion of time before and after becoming a major race. Just about the only way to "clean up" the atmosphere would have been to export 90% of Terra's population so as to get it down to "only" 10 billion or so and put the planetary ecology on a more "managed" and sustainable basis.

High tech public works projects would have helped, of course.
Pretty sure the Imperium doesn't want to turn them loose coreward.

If terraforming is a question of energy and chemicals, cleansing the atmosphere probably isn't that difficult; oceans might need more effort.