My earlier Advanced Base thread keeps coming back to the potential of the 30 dton cutter module as space-proof building blocks for small space stations or vacuum-world outposts. 30 dtons is a respectable bit of volume, and there are probably endless ready-made permutations so there's not much need to customise the interiors.
Here's the thing, though - as they stand (going by the Traders and Gunboats floorplans (which are probably not that accurate), they can only really be plugged together end-to-end. That's fine for two or three, but after that the whole affair gets a bit too train-like. What these modules need is a connecting piece, a multi-directional plumbing joint. Sort of like this:

Here's the thing, though - as they stand (going by the Traders and Gunboats floorplans (which are probably not that accurate), they can only really be plugged together end-to-end. That's fine for two or three, but after that the whole affair gets a bit too train-like. What these modules need is a connecting piece, a multi-directional plumbing joint. Sort of like this: