MT- Here is the preliminary data for our first go... my design comments will be in green/blue.. BSvG.
Ship: ISS Blue Smoke
Class: Blue Smoke
Type: Performance Yacht
Architect: Sidur Haski Design Consortium
Tech Level: 15
USP: YSB-44245C2-340000-40003-0
the "YSB" code is a Yard joke for "Yacht, Smoke, Blue"
400 tons standard, 5,600 cubic meters, Streamlined Airframe Close Structure Configuration,
It is the SHDC's tradition in design to make craft that minimize the need to auxiliaries by making the craft as streamlined and as adaptable to as many kinds of landing situations as possible. The ships computer has been programmed with several landing auto-assist routines for landing just about everywhere, from small planetoids, thick atmos, in addition to having ideal astrodynamics for flawless (and quite beautiful) Gas Giant skimming or even elegant underwater operations. We're also going to use reflex contour control surfaces so it will handle with almost biological ease in a given atmo.
Pilot, Navigator (Optional), 3 Engineers (2 optional), Medic, 3 Gunners (Optional), 2 Flight Crew (Optional)
The ship has an ease of interface and high use of automation that make it useable by minimal crew. Computer configuration allows for a single individual of dual skill to fly the Blue Smoke with ease. Law dictates that at least one living human engineer be on hand for operation, but the other two positions can easily be handled by the Maint units.
The Gunner Positions can be slaved to Bridge fire control, but for added precision, additional Gunners may be hired and placed on duty at the turret stations. The 2 Flight Crew are optional crew for the GCarrier, 1 Pilot, and 1 Laser Turret Gunner.
Jump-2, 4G Manuever, 21.500 Ton Power Plant, 43 EP, Agility 4
I'm thinking a Dual output J-Drive unit aft of the power plant will fit the bill for this ship in the central hull. For the M-Drives, breaking the tonnage up into quads, and then into twin nacelle parts for the body will make any repair situations a snap, even in flight. The Powerplant is built maximzed directly for the ship, with very little room for expansion to larger computers in the future without rethinking weaponry.
Bridge, Model/3fib Computer,
Model/3 Flight Avionics,
Model/3 Sensors,
Model/3 Meson Communications
Ahh, here's where we get your lightshow and sound system... I met only breifly with the people down in programming, and they assure me that they are setting up a suite package for this ship that will aim to please!
4 Hardpoints
Note that the Nose Missile and Aft Sand Turret are both concealed "pop" turrets.
1 Triple Missile Turret organised into 1 Battery (Factor-3),
This is a front mounted concealed Turret, with a 38 total missile Capacity. We stocked it with 9 GP-9 Missiles, 3 Probe Missiles, 6 Trackers, and 20 Standards
2 Dual Beam Laser Turrets organised into 1 Battery (Factor-4)
These Turrets are not on pop turrets, but are designed and finished to be extremely showy. Chrome firing tubes, elegant traverse mechanisms, the works. The beauty of these "show the flag" guns in no way makes them any less lethal.
1 Triple Sandcaster Turret organised into 1 Battery (Factor-4),
Aft mounted concealed triple turret, intended for an anti-pursuit role, also has room for any other aftermarket flare or decoy devices that may wish to be added. Pop turrets were selected for the missile and sand launchers to reduce the ship's Martial appearance at State and Imperial functions.
Armoured Hull (Factor-3)
Not as much as we'd normally go on Armor, but space was a consideration. Still the best protection going for the money and for power requirements.
1 10 ton Opal 300dl GCarrier (Crew of 0, Cost of MCr 3),
Instead of a Grav Limo, we put in a high-end 10-ton Grav ATV armed with a pop laser turret. The Opal is stylish and has ample room to do work or entertain guests on those point a to point b hops. The Opal has also been armored to withstand HEAP rounds.
5 0.010 ton AnG P-150 Grav Packs (Crew of 0, Cost of MCr 0.075),
A fun vehicle alternative for guests and crew. All the serviceability of Grav flight in a small backpack unit!
2 0.250 ton Mk. VIII Engineering Maints (Crew of 0, Cost of MCr 0.500),
These dedicated Engineering robots clean, repair, and maintain the ship's service section, keeping it to a high standard of safety and maintennance.
2 0.100 ton Mk. IV Valet Servitors (Crew of 0, Cost of MCr 1),
These drones are dedicated and discreet valet models, and can pull double duty as stewards and common crew area maintennance.
2 0.100 ton HC-302 Hull Contact Maints (Crew of 0, Cost of MCr 0.500)
These external drones are deployed on the outer hull to reduce the amount of unneccessary EVA exposure for the crew, whenever minor repairs are needed.
101.500 Tons Fuel (2 parsecs jump and 28 days endurance)
We have included use of our Reaction Gate Baffle tanks. These tanks can seal off sections damaged from a hit and bypass the damage to reduce fuel loss.
Integral Fuel Scoops,
These will be blended to the wing control surfaces.
On Board Fuel Purification Plant
This is my favorite. The pump we are putting in could sift a pile of broken up bricks through a leaky bucket and still come up with viable fuel. The fuel filters and Water Conversion intakes are top of the line
10 Staterooms,
Crew or Guests
5 Emergency Low Berths,
Low Berths are Ghastly. You should only have to go in one in an emergency. We put a bank in enough for 20 people, and our units got a higher survive rate than baseline.
1 Sick Bay,
1 Autodoc,
The Sickbay is a TL15 top of the line shipboard medcare lab. takes up about 8 tons. Surgery is possible in this sickbay, and the high function Autodoc makes for speedy recoveries.
1 Ton of Missile Magazines (holding 20 missiles),
This is split port and starboard of the foreward missile turret.
30.850 Tons Cargo
So far, the Cargo bay looks like an aft bay, on the lower deck, below engineering.