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The Civilian's Guide to Traveller Military


SOC-14 1K
Admin Award
I was thinking about starting this thread for some time; my need to detail the Solar Triumvirate's armed forces prompted me to post this.

Basically, my idea is to create a FAQ of sorts covering several Traveller military and military-related issues, providing easy to find information on the organization and operation of such troops to forum users, especially to the ones (like me) without military experience (My country, Israel, has compulsary [sp?] conscription, but I wasn't conscripted due to medical issues). Knowing that we have several soldiers (and atleast one military pilot) on our forum, and that Traveller often deals with military or quasi-military themes, I think this will be a good idea to create this guide and make it a sticky.

Useful Military-related Threads on this Forum:

General Information
- Military-related CT Questions (my questions on several CT military issues)
- Imperial Uniforms and Insignia
- Special Operation Forces in Traveller
- Mottoes of various Services
- Military Related Questions
- Civil War at TL-F
- Capturing a Planet?

Ground Forces
- Marine TO&E (Table of Organization and Equipment)
- Imperial Navy and Imperial Marines Ranks and Rating Insignias
- The Marines' structure and organization
- Traveller Military Organization (unit structures mainly)
- T20 Military TO&E
- TL12+ Mechanzed Warfare
- Deploying Grav Tanks and G-Carriers
- Imperial Marines and "Small Wars"
- Marine Raiding Forces
- Marines without Battledress
- Imperial Marine Traditions
- Marines with Cutlasses
- K'kree Heavy Infantry
- Army, Marine and Mercenary Vehicle Crews
- Sniping
- INSIDE - The Imperial Interstellar Armed Forces
- Vehicles and support weapons squad level integration
- For the Merc Campaigners
- The Army IYTU

Weapons, Vehicles and Equipment
- Tactical use of Laser Rifles/Carbines
- Autorifles and ACRs in Vaccum
- The Future of Small Arms
- Flamethrowers
- The Real ACR
- Pistols, SMGs, Shotguns and the Military
- Alternate Antique Weapons
- What's the deal with Swords?
- Revolvers VS Autopistols
- Silenced Weapons
- Vehicle Armor in Book 1-3 Personal Combat
- G-Carriers and APCs
- Heavy Machine Gun
- Larger Gauss Weapons
- Mechs (Mechas) in Traveller
- Wanted: CT/MT Stats for MAC SMG
- Battledress and Battlepods
- Self-Propelled Machinegun
- Nukes and Nuclear Dampers: After Fact
- Carbines vs. Rifles
- Covert Operations Equipment
- Rationale Behind Weapon Stats (Dice)
- Gauss Rifle = No Recoil?
- Cheap and Simple AT Weapons
- Is an FGMP Round Radioactive?
- CT Gunboats
- Lasers: Are they Silent? are they Visible?
- Heavy Weapons
- Sir Dameon Toth's Take on the PGMP
- Alternatives for PG/FGMP's
- Godawful Improvised Weapons from Hell
- (Additional) Laser Weapons (T20)
- Lanyards for Weapons
- Weapon design for CT
- Infantry Heads Up Display (HUD)

- Researching Imperial/Subsector/Colonial Navies
- Fleets, IN Organization and general TO&E - EVERYTHING you ever wanted to know about the Imperial navy!
- Corporations and the Imperial Navy
- How do you calculate YTU's budget?
- Fleet Maintainance
- Other Naval Terminology (Sailor Slang)
- Rank, Command and Ship Size
- Unconventional Naval Warfare
- Naval Intelligence
- LBB2 Naval Doctrine
- Fighters - they are just too Good
- Purtpuse of Escort
- Invading Star Systems/Defending Them
- Fleet Structure and Funding
- The Reserve, Reserves and Reservists of the IN
- Large Ships and Spinal Mounts
- Ships of Gateway Sector Navies
- Capital Ships
- Warship Type Descriptions
- Command Crew Ratio and Crew Berthing
- Naval Terminology
- Ship to Ship Combat Paradigm
- What does a gunner actually do?
- T20: Small Ship vs. Large Ship Economics
- Big Ship vs. Little Ship
- Ship Sizes
- Useful Fighters
- Very Small Fighters - Gearhead time
- [HG]Smallest Viable Fighter?
- Space Fighters
- 50 ton Fighter
- SDB, FFW and HG
- Tactical Discussion Board: Patrols
- Auxillery Vessels
- What's in a Fleet
- Traveller Equivalent of a Carrier Battlegroup
- Fleet Tactics/Formations
- Naval Ranks
- Book 2 vs. Mayday
- Starships vs. People
- The Traveller Space Combat Experience
- Orbital Firesupport

Ship Technology, Weapons and Rule Modifications
- Missile Tubes in Traveller
- Why 1 Turret per 100 Ton?
- Hardpoints and Surface Area
- Missile Pods
- Are Ship-Based Ballistic Weapons Practical?
- Sane Starship Combat Rules for T20
- Non-Turreted Ship Weapons
- Fixed Weapons
- Missile Heavy or Laser Heavy?
- Two-Part Ship Design
- Proto Traveller (Includes The Oz's LBB2 Small Craft Design System)
- Armour in Book 2 Ship Combat
- CIC for Book 2 Ships
- Space Combat (Includes Sigg Oddra's HG to LBB2 Weapon Conversions)
- Heavy Turrets
- Inflatable (space!) Lifeboats
- Carrier Design
- Armour for LBB2 - Again
Super job! Now if we get all this together in a dead tree format with fantastic graphics...
Thank you Employee 2-4601 for all the work put into this - it is greatly appreciated

And you are right, it should be stickied
Very cool! :cool:

Regarding topic preservation, I have seen successful use of 'Hall of Fame/Archive' forums that are moderator controlled, ready-only affairs, where valueable topics which have run their course (or FAQ topic link index threads like this one) can be moved for easy access and protection from culling. Library Data, anyone?

On the other hand, that sort of thing requires a bit more hands-on modding than Hunter can provide himself. Is there anyone else filling a board mod/admin role for CotI?

Excellent work, 2-4601! :D
Great job!! This should definatly be a permenant thread up top. We could probably use a couple of others like this as well.