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The Coyfederacy


The Coyfederacy, 2320 AD's mysterious terror group, is much similar to the vague way the Provolution was presented in 2300 AD (and they became a more important part of the setting). We are left with few descriptions about the Coyfederacy but it seems to involve the help of aliens in order to stop human oppression of aliens. Where did it start? What are its goals? Speculations?
The Coyfederacy, 2320 AD's mysterious terror group, is much similar to the vague way the Provolution was presented in 2300 AD (and they became a more important part of the setting). We are left with few descriptions about the Coyfederacy but it seems to involve the help of aliens in order to stop human oppression of aliens. Where did it start? What are its goals? Speculations?

Perhaps the Pentapods are hedging their bets? Humanity did expand awfully quickly ...
The vagueness is part of the beauty of it - is it simply a collection of earnest do-gooders, wanting to end the exploitation of the aliens by the greedy robber barons of Terra?

Or is it wheels within wheels - a core group of the Coyfederates using the earnest do-gooders as a screen for... ...what, exactly? Great place to drop in a Call of Cthulu crossover. :)
On the human side, the Coyfederacy is a violent off-shoot of PAX. When peaceful demonstrations didn't work, They turned to other means. Their struggles brought them into contact with a terrorist group in a Sung nation, a rival to the Akcheetoon. These terrorists were apparently frustrated with the slow pace of technological 'upgrades' from their human conquerors, and even more so at the slow pace of trickle down to other nations what little the humans did give Akcheetoon.

A raid on a Coyfederacy cell in Kitchener, Ontario, Canada, in early 2319 also gathered in a Ylii who was on Earth illegally. He has so far refused to divulge any information. Ylii neurochemistry is different enough that an interrogation attempt made via a Cortescan device drove the Human questioner insane.

Excerpt: North American Research League internal memo, Jan 2, 2320.
Thanks for the clue, Colin!

In 2320 AD it is stated that the group was know to operate first in the year 2318. It seems that a part of the "mystery" surrounding the Coyfederacy is that it is still in its formative phase, and still delineating its ideas?
The vagueness is part of the beauty of it - is it simply a collection of earnest do-gooders, wanting to end the exploitation of the aliens by the greedy robber barons of Terra?

Or is it wheels within wheels - a core group of the Coyfederates using the earnest do-gooders as a screen for... ...what, exactly? Great place to drop in a Call of Cthulu crossover. :)

Well, being vague about the general nature of a group might also backfire in role-playing games. When I referee I try to define what the group should convey in theme and mood. That gives them a coherence that helps the referee to describe them and shows their particular nature to the players.

For instance, the "vague terror group" niche in 2300 AD was filled by the Provolution. In 2320 AD they seem more detailed as they fit into the environment. If you encounter them in the adventure of GDW's Earth/Cybertech Sourcebook "Worm in the big apple" or Rotten to the Core they seem more... undeveloped.

The Coyfederacy addresses an important issue, the relationship between humanity and the xenomorphs, and the fact than humanity seems to have become a rather powerful player in this little part of the stars. How can humans and aliens coexist when aliens are increasingly getting more involved in human society, organizations etc?
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