"Too Big?"
The one thing I always liked about Traveller is that at least went for an attempt at coveying the sheer enormity of Space. While I agree that administratively (back in the paper and pencil days) this was a nightmare to manage, But with the advances I've seen in computers, I strongly feel that we should be asking if the Imperium is big enough?
Bear in mind it's a retired scout talking here, but I for one would like to see it ALL defined. I absolutely love stuff like Heaven and Earth, and the Interactive Atlas of the Imperium... I just wish that they could par up with Galactic at times in thier thouroughness. Zho-Berka's inmcredible Atlas site at the Zhodani Base seems to be the most complete at the baseline, though i think his data comes from Galactic.
I hear the Laments... the "There are no Frontiers" and the like, to which I say Poppycock! Even settled areas of spcae could hold tons of adventures if presented right.
Refueling a starship or dealing with pencil-pushers is a chore, not an adventure. Putting too much focus on the routine makes the game routine. Look how lively our own little planet is and how diverse it is, multiply that by a bazillion, and that's Traveller (at least where I sit)
We need more sophont frontiers, not just astropolitical ones...