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The first Thunderegg Ref screen is out!

Hi, guys. Just wanted to let you know about it. It's available at this link.

Keep track of the rules you use most frequently in your Traveller games with our new referee screen. You get 8 pages with tables, rules summaries and fantastic artwork to make your games more lively. You also get a PDF for your computer to have easy replacement pages.

This set includes the rules for ground combat, space combat, spacecraft operations and navigation, and common weapons and armour. Have them all at hand to save time from flipping through the rulebook.

These pages are designed specifically to be used as inserts for OneBookShelf's customizable GM screen. The sheets are in portrait orientation. If you purchase the GM Screen with these inserts (there's an option during the checkout process), then you get the inserts free!

We're going to be expanding our Traveller-related GM Screen inserts line in the coming weks and months. You can look forward to sheets with even more specialized equipment, expanded space combat feature in the High Guard book for Mongoose Traveller, story seeds and patrons, easy trade codes and markets and much, much more! Grab every set and have the rules you need for your specific campaign on hand. Keep the others in a binder for easy reference.

“Traveller” and the Traveller logo are Trademarks owned by Far Future Enterprises, Inc. and are used according to the terms of the Traveller Logo Licence version 1.0c. A copy of this licence can be obtained from Mongoose Publishing. The mention or reference to any company or product in these pages is not a challenge to the trademark or copyright concerned.