The second TNE CD-ROM. The first covers the TNE Era by GDW years 1202-1210 . The second CD-ROM has books with IY 1248 from ComStar/Avenger Enterprises. The overall history of Charted Space, about 80 pages of history IY 1129-1248 is in
Traveller 1248 Book1: Out of Darkness. The other three main books provides greater detalls on the Spinward States (former Regency), the new 4th Imperium (yes, no joking) in Gushemege Sector, and the Freedom League.(former Reformation Coalition) and parts Rimward.
Even though I may be this era's biggest cheerleader, in fairness a warning: Due to changes in the narrative found in Marc Miller's novel
Agent of the Imperium and the Mongoose 1st Edition Zhodani book, the characteristics of the Empress Wave were changed. It was made faster and deadlier, to the point that canonicity of 1248 and even TNE itself is questioned. Some wish to chuck it all, some like me are willing to keep the things that could still happen in the relative past like the 1150s when the Gods of Thunder make nice with Virus. Since this is the IMTU forum, go for it! Or not. YMMV.
Personally, I love it as the K'kree come into their own to become My Little Ponies of Death.