SOC-14 1K
Almost certainly there are several such examples, but they may not be close to Kirur. Most of the worlds around Kirur were blasted by a supernova only 3 million years prior, and were likely sterile when the K'kree reached them. I have two operating assumptions that saved the K'kree themselves, one of which is visibly implied on Traveller Map already: The star that blew is/was a nomad and was not nearly as close to Kirur when it blew as it is now. The second is based on the map of Kirur: Based on the location of the cratering that is supposedly related to the nova, Kirur had a pole pointed at the nova instead of being equatorial. Kirrixur got a more even cratering, so I assume an early strike altered its axis of rotation and led to it being peppered.It does leave a question of: Is there a world or two toward the core of the Two Thousand Worlds which should be inhabitable, but no one lives there because the ecosystem is still recovering from whatever damage was inflicted on it in an effort to K'kree-terraform it.
So the worlds in the area were a spectrum of tabula rasa or poisoned ecosystems when the K'kree got to them. As I see it, the worlds around Kirur have largely been Kiruformed using the nova'd and G'naak-less "simplified" ecosystem of Kirur. Which sets up the area for a Wave-induced nightmare, as evolution kicks into high gear on dozens of formerly ideal worlds and begins filling empty ecological niches.
The examples of Kiruforming gone wrong are likely to be at the edge of that zone, where the K'kree had to deal with existing ecosystems for the first time. I do see the K'kree as being masters of Kiruforming (and the broader art of terraforming in general) because they are not at all afraid or hesitant about working with long time frames or worlds with, ah, "existing complications". By the current timeframe they've had practice on several hundred worlds.
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