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The Grognard Problem

Originally posted by Seanr451:
Since I have starting posting on CotI you have replied to almost every post I have made. And in those replies you have disagreed with nearly everything I have ever said on any subject. In your last post you literally took my post apart so you could effectively disagree with every single sentence in my post. Now from your actions on both this and other boards it seems obvious to me that you either have some bone to pick with me, or you're wearing a Ring of Contrariness. It seems to me that you are deliberately seeking out every one of my posts just so you can reply and disagree with everything I have said. If you aren't doing this to upset me then I am at a loss as to your motivation.
I reply to a lot of posts here from a lot of people in case you haven't noticed - especially now that I have a lot of time on my hands. I really couldn't give much of a toss who you are. If you're so paranoid that you think someone is out to get you for no reason, then I think you shouldn't be posting on the internet.

If I disagree with you, it's because I disagree with you. Sometimes that happens, you know, people don't agree with eachother? I suggest that you start getting used to that concept, because you'll find that it happens quite a lot on the internet.

Was it really necessary for everyone in the thread to jump all over that one sentence and ignore the rest of my post? Well... maybe not.
Like I said, if you can't take people responding to or commenting on your posts, then don't post. This is a discussion board, we discuss things here.

I still haven't met a single Traveller player that likes TNE.
And as I said, there's plenty here who do like it. You keep saying that you haven't met anyone or that your store still has copies of the game as if that justifies your dislike for the game. Well it doesn't. There are plenty of people who like the game, and there are plenty of people elsewhere who'd buy it. Accept it and leave it at that.
Originally posted by Malenfant:
If I disagree with you, it's because I disagree with you. Sometimes that happens, you know, people don't agree with eachother? I suggest that you start getting used to that concept, because you'll find that it happens quite a lot on the internet.
Yeah, I've been posting on various forums for years now. I get disagreement and I'm fine with that. I'm not trying to convince you of anything. That doesn't change the fact that you have replied to every post I have made on this board and that you have consistantly disagreed with everything I've ever wrote. That is how it appears to me, and I believe your actions have rose above the level of mere coincidence. I'm not paranoid, if you'll remember I only brought this up because you asked me to explain my remark; "Your attempt to upset me has failed Dr. Malenfant." That's the only reason I brought it up.
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />I still haven't met a single Traveller player that likes TNE.
Accept it and leave it at that.</font>[/QUOTE]I do accept it, I do leave it at that. I don't have a problem with it. I'm not trying to convince anyone differently. Please quit responding as if I were trying to start an argument with you, I was once again merely answering your question.

Now, that having been said I think I've done enough threadjacking, and I'm no longer going to discuss it. And I appologize to the rest of the posters here for having hi-jacked the thread.
Originally posted by Seanr451:
That doesn't change the fact that you have replied to every post I have made on this board and that you have consistantly disagreed with everything I've ever wrote.
Then that's because I "disagree with everything you write" (and I suspect you're exaggerating somewhat at that. You make it sound like I'm hounding you for the sake of disagreeing when I'm clearly not). If you want to have a persecution complex about it then that's your problem, not mine.

I'm not paranoid, if you'll remember I only brought this up because you asked me to explain my remark; "Your attempt to upset me has failed Dr. Malenfant." That's the only reason I brought it up.
If you weren't being paranoid, you wouldn't have made such a baseless statement in the first place.

Now if you have any more last words you want to chip in so you can try to make out that I'm persecuting you, please take it to PM. On second thought don't, because I'm really not interested.
Well, I began by not liking how they destroyed the previous Imperium but the more I read the more that I liked. Whilst, MJD and I may have our disagreements they are civil and I think that he is truly on his way to creating one of the finest Traveller products.

It was innovative and broke new ground where ground was desparately in need of breaking. It preserved the essence of what the Traveller setting had built up and carried it forward. As much as I love the conflict of the Rebellion, I could see the trees and the forest together with TNE. Whereas, one never knew where they were going with MT.
Originally posted by Seanr451:
Since I have starting posting on CotI you have replied to almost every post I have made. And in those replies you have disagreed with nearly everything I have ever said on any subject.
Welcome to the Internet.

Originally posted by Seanr451:
In your last post you literally took my post apart so you could effectively disagree with every single sentence in my post.
<cough, cough . . . />

Originally posted by Seanr451:
Now from your actions on both this and other boards it seems obvious to me that you either have some bone to pick with me, or you're wearing a Ring of Contrariness. It seems to me that you are deliberately seeking out every one of my posts just so you can reply and disagree with everything I have said. If you aren't doing this to upset me then I am at a loss as to your motivation.
Sometimes things may be other than that they appear.

Originally posted by Seanr451:
As to GDW I read a post by LKW where he said GDW made a lot of money off the first Desert Storm fact book.
GDW made a lot of money off the Desert Shield Fact book.

Desert Shield <> Desert Storm.

GDW's first book about Desert Storm was the Desert Storm Fact Book, and it did not sell, and was returned in large numbers.

Originally posted by Seanr451:
Ok. Was it really necessary for everyone in the thread to jump all over that one sentence and ignore the rest of my post? Well... maybe not.
Actually, that's not at all uncommon. Most everyone spots it, and many respond. That's the way of it.

Originally posted by Seanr451:
I don't hate TNE, I just don't want to play it. If you like it then that's great. It matters naught to me one way or the other.
Why does that sound strangely familiar?

(Man, I've got to stop making references to topics past . . .)
Rob: Most people don't seem to consider "knowing of" the same as "having met" nor "know." I know I sure don't. I wouldn't say I know you, per se. I do know of you, and we've corresponded over the years, but I still wouldn't be able to spot you in a line up, nor would I be able to say reliably what you are like. I can say I've found you a decent enough person in my limited experience, but that's not the same.

I know of dozens of fans of TNE, some rules only, others setting only, others both.

I have met about 2 people who I am aware like TNE as a setting, They are by no means the same as the two I have met who like the rules. As in, "I've met" = "I've been in the same physical proximity with and have discussed at some point traveller preferences even if not at that meeting". I've met far more people who prefer other editions. I have never met ANYONE who liked both the TNE rules and TNE setting, even tho I know that there are such people, and I even know of a few.