• Welcome to the new COTI server. We've moved the Citizens to a new server. Please let us know in the COTI Website issue forum if you find any problems.

The Lone Star Chat!

YO! Eak, meself, Mr Mark Siefert, Kentares, and Ellros are in th house! C'mon down-the K'kree jus left (we still have BBQ K'Kree sandwiches, and steaks left!)

Thank you for hanging arround so long guys - Till next week

Democracy - The Idea that if you add up enough zeros, you make a positive sum.
Originally posted by Mark A. Siefert:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Chron:
So just curious is anybody going to try to do the lone star chat as a semi regular thing ?
I certianly would like to see that.</font>[/QUOTE]Actually my intention for the past couple weeks has been to try and make it a regular thing :D

I recently acquired a copy of mIRC and I'll be looking into finding a quiet little IRC Network we can move the chats to... after the problems we had this sunday, and the possibility of more chatters with non-windows systems, I think it might be a good idea.

Untill I fully explore the IRC option though we'll just stick with MSN.

Thoughts? Suggestions? Pink Weasels?

try http://www.psionics.net they have Dice Bots their too
I went over to Psionics.net
Found the IRC server location easy enough...
chat.psionics.net 6660

It only had like 34 rooms in all. Seemed fairly nice.

I even found a free irc client...So, that's a good thing.

If anyone knows more about irc than I do, and I'm saying this cause I don't know very much. Why not set up a Traveller room there and we can all come and chat.

The Man Behind the Curtain
Everyone needs a Dice bot
- picture a group of scouts chatting "So I'll try and fix the Jump Drive" All turn to the bot
- Voder Voice says "You Fail"
- Scout turns back to Captain "Sorry mate, It'll take longer than I thought"
The LSC rm, a regular thing...
Actually been looking forward to it, so from wee li'l ole me, yes. Lets do make it something we can put on the calendar. Livens up the end of me weekend before startin the work week.(Sun-Fri).

And we dang near had the world encircled from Austrailia (Mink) to Porto Portugal (kentares), and all of us in between.

As fer IRC. I'm in the dark-post a link, I'll follow ya in.I could stand to learn more of it, But, I have Sci fi to read (CJ Cherryh's new book in Foreigner series "Explorer" is out. A B-day present fer the Chatelaine here..) fer the moment..and a game to plot fer the weekend..(I am *sooo* vvery busy!)
Yeah, chatting with you folks for a couple hours on Sunday mornings is becoming a nice little tradition that I'd like to see continued. If you want to move the chat somewhere else that's fine with me and I'll try to follow but if I have to install any new software to do it you'll have to provide links and walk me through it -- my computer savvy is very minimal, and even maneuvering the current MSN setup sorely tested my capabilities...
Hmmmmm maybe if we move to http://www.psionics.net or some other place with a dice bot we could run a weekly Sunday T20 game
we would have to sort through what type of campaign and who would be DM and such (With the EPIC adventure system it is best to have 1 DM unless its a minor or side adventure) anyways just a thought
There's a thought. But...I like what we're doin' already, live. Addin in a dicebot makes it sorts a Pbem rather than a chat room, where we shoot the breeze, and talk real time at virtual FTF about stuff. But thats just me. Someone else might think otherwise, like you Chron. ;)
At the moment it is a chat site rather than a roleplaying site - a dice bot probably doesn't effect our current usage at all.

Of course, If we start playing trav rather than talking about it, that would be different.
Actually, I prefer just having the chat myself. It gives us all a chance to share ideas and discuss game-related (or un-related :D ) topics.
Now, if you wanted to start a separate PBEM or somesuch, there is nothing wrong with that.
Originally posted by Ellros:
Actually, I prefer just having the chat myself. It gives us all a chance to share ideas and discuss game-related (or un-related :D ) topics.
Now, if you wanted to start a separate PBEM or somesuch, there is nothing wrong with that.
Oh I hadnt envisioned it getting in the way of chatting I was just thinking is all
Greetings Travellers!

Once more this Sunday afternoon! Beginning approximately 1:00 pm (1300hrs) Eastern Standard Time at chat.msn.com and ending when the last person leaves, will be the almost weekly Lone Star Chat! Stay tuned to this thread for a link to be posted when we open for business!

Hope to see you there!

Start Times for select cities in other Countries:
London (GMT): 6:00 pm (1800hrs)
Rome: 7:00 pm (1900hrs)
Jerusalem: 8:00 pm (2000hrs)
Hong Kong: 1:00 am (100hrs)
Tokyo: 2:00 am (200hrs)
Sydney: 3:00 am (300hrs)

If I got any of the times wrong it's entirely my own fault for doing the math myself. If you would like me to post the time for a major city in your time zone next week just post it to the thread and I'll collect them up next saturday.
