• Welcome to the new COTI server. We've moved the Citizens to a new server. Please let us know in the COTI Website issue forum if you find any problems.

The Lone Star Chat!

You guys are silly

Time for extra special traveller omake fun time theatre!

<Kawaii chibi Eak dances out onstage dressed as Amazing Aslan Girl Nuku Nuku and begins the advertisment>


Ohio gozaimasu! Bonjour! Guten tag! Greetings!


To the very nearly weekly, Lone Star Chat! Wherein is generally discussed many and varied topics that the inquiring Traveller finds of interest and or concern! Ranging from 'how to spit shine boots' to 'something really important I can't remember right now' or to 'why is there a penguin on my head'!

So grab yourself a Havacola, the softdrink of choice for discerning sophonts everywhere, and please follow the non-bouncing link to...

The Lone Star Chat!

See you there!


Urg... noon thirty already? what an obscene hour of the morning to crawl out of bed.

Grumble, Grumble...
Man, that wasn't cool. I log on and the mod bans me for 24 hours accusing me of being a bot! Heh. That'll teach me not to say "hi" immediately, I guess.
Sorry apoc...it seems some people were took quick on the gauss mouse...


It wasn't me..grin

The Man Behind the Curtain
Originally posted by apoc527:
Man, that wasn't cool. I log on and the mod bans me for 24 hours accusing me of being a bot! Heh. That'll teach me not to say "hi" immediately, I guess.
Oh Man I am sooo sorry. I'll buy the Coffeejuice for you next week.
I told EAK she wouldn't be the first to kill off one of our own.
Apoc, I am very Very VERY Sorry
No worries. Already my orbital cruisers are getting a fix on the location that banned me. Expect it to be a crater in a few minutes. :D
Originally posted by apoc527:
No worries. Already my orbital cruisers are getting a fix on the location that banned me. Expect it to be a crater in a few minutes. :D
I guess I am going to have to go to ground. Ducking and seeking cover.
it's a good thing I have very, very good ECM
Originally posted by Capt. Blacklight:

I guess I am going to have to go to ground. Ducking and seeking cover.
it's a good thing I have very, very good ECM
Heh. Well, I'll just instruct them to nuke an area a few hundred miles in diameter centered on your approximate location. Sure, the bombardment might not get you, but the radiation on the way out will (unless you have a CES or some Battledress stashed closeby, in which case the marine dropships will be waiting.)

A body steps out to go to work, and ye Botsmashed a sophont!(shakeshead) Ya gotta be more careful...!

Lets try it again next week, shall we?
Originally posted by apoc527:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Capt. Blacklight:

I guess I am going to have to go to ground. Ducking and seeking cover.
it's a good thing I have very, very good ECM
Heh. Well, I'll just instruct them to nuke an area a few hundred miles in diameter centered on your approximate location. Sure, the bombardment might not get you, but the radiation on the way out will (unless you have a CES or some Battledress stashed closeby, in which case the marine dropships will be waiting.)

</font>[/QUOTE]I do, And I have.
And While I did apologize, if you are going to go all out, bring all your party favors
. I do have a fairly good crew working with me... and there are more that a few of us;)
Originally posted by Liam Devlin:
A body steps out to go to work, and ye Botsmashed a sophont!(shakeshead) Ya gotta be more careful...!

Lets try it again next week, shall we?
Didn't I say it was going to happen. And it was going to be me. And here I am trying to be nice... it's a good thing I ordered all those tanks and AFV's. It seems like I am going to need them sooner that I thought.

And now to sit back and wait for a recovery OpOrd. I am going to have to order back the Fleet for this though,,, it seems Apoc brought Marines to the party. Just not enough.
CPT BL posted-
"Didn't I say it was going to happen. And it was going to be me. And here I am trying to be nice... it's a good thing I ordered all those tanks and AFV's. It seems like I am going to need them sooner that I thought.
And now to sit back and wait for a recovery OpOrd. I am going to have to order back the Fleet for this though,,, it seems Apoc brought Marines to the party. Just not enough.

Capt. Blacklight

And we thank you fer the cheque, Your Excellency!
I believe Tukera Bulk Lines can mass transit it at J-4 on their Bulk 20ktn freighters. Or the World-class Monster freighters (Some 500,000 dtns of cargo haulin behemoths). From Core to Ley-Gateway in 20 weeks.

Yep, ye did tell Eak (as I did) that she wasnae likely to nuke a sophont. And aye, Ye said It twas like to be you...But ye haveta quit bein so prescient..the PSion boys will be lookin into yer past... :eek:
Sounds to me like a mediator will be needed to settle this account...
We were expectin ya, I waited till 2205 before exiting meself (my time)/ seven-eight hrs behind London time. See ya next week! Glad ya got some game time in!

Originally posted by apoc527:
Man, that wasn't cool. I log on and the mod bans me for 24 hours accusing me of being a bot! Heh. That'll teach me not to say "hi" immediately, I guess.
Oh my goodness. I am very sory Apoc. I was afraid I'd do that and it looks like I did. I feel horrible about it :(

I think a good idea might be to Prefix something to our logon names so this dosn't happen again.

For example if my name is 'Eak' then my MSN logon name might be something like 'CoTI-Eak' so I'm not mistaken for a bot.

Once again I have to appologize Apoc... I'm really, really sorry :(

Not your fault Eak. Captain BL is the one who did it, shortly before everyone headed out. It was an accident. We were getting a spammer every few minutes by that time, So we were a bit trigger-happy.

But using some sort of ID tag like you described is not a bad idea.