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The Lone Star Chat!

Originally posted by Liam Devlin:
...I waited till 2205 before exiting meself (my time)/ seven-eight hrs behind London time.
Really !? At the time I arrived home (around 4 am GMT) I thought I wouldnt find anyone so I even didnt powered on my computer. Well... next time I will.
Originally posted by Ellros:
Not your fault Eak. Captain BL is the one who did it, shortly before everyone headed out. It was an accident. We were getting a spammer every few minutes by that time, So we were a bit trigger-happy.

But using some sort of ID tag like you described is not a bad idea.
Now Eak is going to take away my privileges.
I said I was Sorry.
And then he gets all defensive and puts my whole outfit on alert. Threaten to Nuke me from Orbit and everything. Then I remebered I have Nuclear dampers at my HQ
"Nuke em from orbit. It's the only way to be sure."

But what if they aliens had dampers? or even guns? Oooo, interesting concept.

But anyway... Cap'n, what happens if he resorts to conventional munitions?
Originally posted by Ellros:
"Nuke em from orbit. It's the only way to be sure."

But what if they aliens had dampers? or even guns? Oooo, interesting concept.

But anyway... Cap'n, what happens if he resorts to conventional munitions?
With out Big toys, I can handle what ever anyone throws at me, Short of an Imperial Army or ALOT of Marines. Point Weapons and Mobile Warfare is very hard to beat or catch.
Well, lets hope we have a peaceful meeting of the minds then this Sunday then. perhaps we should add on an immediate phrase-"I am not a Spam!" to prevent getting "shot". Emilio will be so distressed that the patrons are taking to killing and cleaning in the "dining area-(If'n ye want a 'Virtual'-job, he has openings!)
<chuckles> we'll certainly have to be more careful.

Heck, I'd open up the Lone Star for awhile now if I could figure it out. Me thinks I need more caffeine.
I'll be stocked with Joe/ Jamoke/Java/Carbon remover/ and coffee (Heinlein's "5 grades of coffee", btw); Havacola by the can is a De Havilland Corp. (tm)distributed item, sold exclusivelly, as is TJ-"CJ";Whup-Ass(tm), Whup-Yer Ass(tm) and Beep-beep Juice(tm)are products of Damitol, Ltd.-sold by the six pak, or in 20/32/& 40 Liquid ounce bottles.

I shall see you there!
Last man standing...Good to see Chron, the Mink, and Ellros. One wanker got the gauss MAUS. Sorry folks, I dinnae tolerate rudeness twice.

Felt good though...


See ya'll Sonntag!
See you then, then

I got 1,200 words out - looks liek I may even reach deadline - I'll log on Sunday late arvo and see if I can catch the early risers.
You folks havin chats without me in the wee early hours of the morning while sane people are still asleep?


Hey All you CoTI chatters out there!

Just a friendly reminder that the Lone Star Chat! will be up and running on Sunday, Nov 24th starting at approximately 1:00 pm (1300hrs) Eastern Standard Time!

Hope to see you there!

Start Times for select cities in other Countries:
London (GMT): 6:00 pm (1800hrs)
Rome: 7:00 pm (1900hrs)
Jerusalem: 8:00 pm (2000hrs)
Hong Kong: 1:00 am (100hrs)
Tokyo: 2:00 am (200hrs)
Sydney: 3:00 am (300hrs)

To prevent a repeat of last weeks distasteful slaughtering of one of our own, mistaken for a spam spewing IRCBOT please remember to prefix 'CoTI_' To your Name. For example my own nickname might be 'CoTI_EAK' especially since 'CoTI_EAKinser' is already taken :/



For some who are interested in knowning how I open up the Lone Star Chat on sundays I have two links in a text document on my drive. One I paste into a browser when I first open the room and another that I paste to the CoTI message boards. The reason for having two links is that the Message board tends to automagically add a space to the url if it's longer than 160 characters or so.

</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">This is the link I actually open the room with:
This is the link I post to the board:
The Lone Star Chat!</pre>[/QUOTE]The second link is short and clean enough so that the board won't trim it with a space to I can have my nice and pretty little 'Lone Star Chat' link. However the actual chat room needs to be opened with the first one so I can have my welcome and greeting messages intact :D

The two links are close enough in similarity with the important bits that clicking on the short link will ask you if you want to join the chat started by the long link :D

Since I never change the link It'll always just say 'Welcome Traveller!' and 'Eat drink and be merry for tomorrow we go to work!'

I do this because I'm lazy and it's faster to just cut/pase a url than fill out a bunch of empty boxes every time I want to start the chat.

Eak - I'll probly open the chat room about 9 hours earlier (just like I did last week) but don;t expect anyone to drop by before I go back home (4 hours later)


at 6pm Sunday Syndey time
or 8am Sunday London Time
or 3am CotI time

Unless I get invited out by Elle Mcpherson to go to a BBQ, in which case, I may be late logging on.
Originally posted by The Mink:
See you then, then

I got 1,200 words out - looks liek I may even reach deadline - I'll log on Sunday late arvo and see if I can catch the early risers.
Knocked out another "odd Job" closer to 500 words this time..sent it in...The Gateways stuff is occpying their time fer the nonce tho..means we'll be seein it soon-methinks!
Not a whole lot Liam! Just chilling out, watching some stuff I VCRed on Friday while I was out gaming. BTW, you're up early (or just back from work?)

Also, are you seeing the formatting for this page of the tread all messed up? It's about twice as wide as the screen for me....

Hello All!

My appologies for not having the room open on time today, I had some errands to run this morning and they kept longer than I'd've liked.

Follow the link! We are open for business!

The Lone Star Chat!

Just wanted to say thanx for a great chat this morning...laughted for 2 1/2 hours!!!...true...nothing but fun and crazys in that room!!...met some great new travelers...frank...is one of us....whos the dude with the plasma rifle....watch out spam...almost got "roudy" something about mounting square pigs and kree on the wall...yoda puke green???....the menu would make a Marine Barf!!!....o well....cant wait till next time...great hosts....
Enjoyed meeting ya, TJim, sir. And Mr. Devlin, Chron, Blacklight, EAK, that pir ... errr ... corsair Vargr that was foaming at the mouth ...

Good folkses all. Nice bar .. not "too sterile" like those uppity space yuppy places.

Now if I can just talk a few of yas into getting into character and enjoying classic Traveller (the way Traveller was MEANT to be played ;) )

I'll see ya'll there again. Barkeep, I'd like my barstool monogrammed, color me a regular.
By the by ....

Wouldn't it be easier if we utilized MSN messenger, Yahoo messenger or AIM? We could put each other in our buddy lists and whenever we're online the messenger can page each other. Not so much need to schedule as much (although it's good to have a regular meeting time). And certainly not problem with spam monkeys hopping in and out.

Just sayin'.