I know I've posted here somewhere, but I can't find it to link...
I use a small kit that can contain anything the player wants (at the GM's discretion). It is limited by size and cost, and once an item is a specified content, its space is deducted from the possible contents.
I find this freelance system better than trying to specify all contents in advance.
EDIT: Ah, missed the "(at the GM's discretion)" bit
(that probably answers most of my questions below
Sounds like a good system for reasonable players...
...you've never had anyone say:
"And finally, I pull out the last item in my KIT, a (key to a locker or some such) over there where I stashed another KIT (months or years) ago. I retrieve the new KIT." :devil:
Speaking of which, do you impose any:
Best before or rough handling caveats on your KIT? Medicines especially have a limited shelf life and require careful handling and storage? That shot of Med, Slow, Combat or whatever in the KIT may not be so good if the character has had it on their person for over a year; through vacuum, blistering heat, freezing cold; falling off roofs, being run over, getting shot by every weapon known to humaniti :devil:
Or TL or Law Level restrictions? "I pull out a vial of fast acting untraceable poison and..." or "I pull out a small cube of TDX explosive and..." and so on.
It's the magic nature of these bags of wishes that have never felt right to me outside of a purely heroic fantasy game (and even within them most of the time). Might as well make all the guns with infinite magazines as well, and ignore encumbrance, and...
...I prefer my players to think about what they may need and actually let me know when and where they intend to buy it, how they intend to keep it safe, and when they actually have it with them. "Those who fail to plan, plan to fail."* Some item acquisitions will be an adventure in themselves.
* I generally like to attribute my famous quotes but memory and google have failed me on this one, does anyone know the origin?
Like I said, it might work with reasonable players, but it still feels cheap to me. And unfair to players who would/do actually think and plan. Not for me, but if it works for your group that's cool.