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The Scout Project

Okay got it. I thought you were trying to be true to the original. I get it now.
Trying to walk the line between the two (and it's a tricky line, let me tell you). With T5 being the latest ruleset I don't want the ship to contradict anything that it states (since this is suppose to be the T5 Scout/Courier), but then within those bounds I want to try and make the ship as close to the original as possible. That's why I did things like added lower engineering. It allowed me to use the correct T5 engine space while altering the lines of the main floor as little as possible. I wanted to make the Attic the same dimensions as on the original but I simply ran out of space for it. I could have done it through overtonnage but wanted to avoid that since it didn't seem to fit the Scout.

That's basically how the Kaufin points came about, btw. I simply had to cut some of the space occupied by the attic but I ended up with one extra ton. I thought about putting doors on them and declaring them lockers but it wasn't really the right part of the ship. I kicked around several other ideas and finally went 'you know what? There just there and no one knows why' and then I started coming up with what seemed to be plausible stories. :)

Built on the body of a surplus Scout/Courier the Seeker/Prospector is more a style of ship than any particular design. Each ship is modified by its new owners in whatever fashion they think will best fulfill the new functions of the ship. Even with that caveat the 'Seeker/Prospector' is one of the most commonly seen ships used by independent prospectors.

In the case of this particular design the changes that have been made are fairly common. Since the ship will be used almost exclusively in asteroid belts the systems of pumps and hose attachments used to siphon liquid water have been removed. Because of the potential availability of gas giants and the economic savings of unrefined fuel the fuel scoops and purification systems remain intact. A modification frequently seen among Seeker/Prospectors is the removal of the original engines and their replacement with more compact and less expensive drives. This typically requires a trip to a higher technology starport where the ship is usually fitted with the most advanced deep radar available at the same time.

The cost of the modifications to the ship's bulkheads and new engines are typically offset by the sale of the old engines on a less technologically developed world.
  1. Avionics: Located behind a maintenance plate in the bridge this section of the ship contains the Model/1bis computer and the antenna for the radar. With space as critical as it is for a mining ship there is a half ton of space that is recovered from the standard scout design and used for fuel storage.
  2. Bridge: Designed only for a single pilot the rear bulkhead of the standard scout ship hase been moved forward creating more room for cargo.
  3. Stateroom
  4. Stateroom
  5. Shared fresher
  6. Upper Cargo Area: As much of the Scout/Courier is converted to cargo space as possible. To maximize space and efficiency a large area of the floor (a) has been removed to facilitate loading through the lower cargo area (15)
  7. Engineering:One of the heaviest modified areas of the ship other than the cargo bay engineering shows all the signs of the extreme changes made to the ship.
  8. Lab/Clinic: The lab in this case has been modified to concentrate almost entirely upon geology and mineralogy allowing trained miners to conduct initial assays and inspections of ore. The area also functions as a clinic in times of emergency.
  9. Mining Buggy Berth: As on and unmodified Scout/Courier this is little more than a niche in the hull with large door set in the outer bulkhead.
  10. Deep Radar Antenna: The existing mountings for the Scout/Courier's old sensor gear make this an excellent location for the installation of the Seeker/Prospector's deep radar. On other ships the deep radar may be swapped out for a densiometer or other sensor package depending upon what the prospector feels will work best.
  11. Common Lounge: Most of the rest of the area for the forward sensor array are converted into a makeshift lounge. The rear bulkhead is removed expanding the area back into the Scout/Courier's 'Kaufin Points'.
  12. Walkway: While this area is often used as a sort of secondary storage on Scout/Courier's it is the primary method of access to engineering for the Seeker and as such is always left clear.
  13. Gunnery: With the original design to support a gunner for the dorsal turret mounted just above this location is refitted to provide controls for the Seeker's mining laser turret. Although the lasers are not technically weapons and are designed for industrial use the term 'Gunnery Position' is still often applied to the area. On two-man teams the second miner will often run sensor operations from this position as well.
  14. Cargo Hold: With the need for a location to store personal belongings as well as things such as tools and claim marker beacons this area is often left unmodified and is used for its original storage purposes rather than being used for the additional storage of ore.
  15. Lower Cargo Hold: With the removal of the engine components from lower engineering the area is converted to additional cargo storage. The large cargo door set in the rear allows easy loading of ore which is often carried up through the open roof (a) to the upper cargo hold.

   Tons    TL  Item                                   Cost    Notes
               100 ton lifting body hull              16.0    
    2.0     6  Submergence Hull                        4.0    
               Jump Plates                             0.1    
    1.0        Landing legs with pads                  1.0    
           11  AV=5. 1 Kinetic Shell                          
    5.0    13  Mod Jump Drive-A                        5.0    J 2
    1.0    12  Mod Manuever Drive-A                    2.0    2 G
    2.0    11  Mod Power Plant-A                       2.0    P 2
    1.0     8  Fuel Scoops                             0.1    200 tons/hour
    1.0     8  Fuel Purifiers                          1.0    4 tons/hour
   18.0        Jump Fuel                                      2 parsecs
    1.8        Power Plant Fuel                               1 month
    1.0     9  Computer Model/1bis std                 3.0    
    2.0        Control Consoles (1)                    0.2    
    2.0        Operating Consoles (1)                  0.1    
    0.0    10  Imp AR Surf Scope                       1.5    
    1.0    10  Imp AR Ant Radar                        1.5    
    0.0     9  Imp LR Surf Communicator                4.5    
    1.0    14  Adv Fo Ant Deep Radar                   3.0    
    1.0        Life Support - Standard                 1.0    10 Person/months
    4.0        Crew Single Stateroom (2)               0.2    
    0.5        Crew Common Fresher                     0.5    10 Crew
    3.5        Passageways                                    
    3.0        Crew Storage                                   
    2.0        Attic                                          
    3.5        Lounge                                         
    2.0        Clinic                                  1.0    
    4.0        Lab                                     2.0    
    4.0        Air/Raft                                       
    2.0     8  Hull Niche for Air/Raft                 1.5    
   30.6        Cargo Hold                                     
    0.1     9  Adv VL T3 Mining Laser                  0.5   
               Total                                  51.7

-Not all those who wander are lost

One of the simplest modification styles the Wanderer is a ship commonly found in the possession of non-merchants who are able to afford to own their own small ship without being wealthy enough to afford a Yacht or other higher end ship (those Nobles who view themselves in the rugged image of the Scouts often chose the Ranger rather than a Wanderer, a custom built ship that resembles the Scout/Courier but which is constructed from the ground up for upscale clientele).

The Wanderer is typically owned by its pilot (IISS protocols forbid this level of modification of the internal walls for ships on detached duty) and with the abrogation of its duties to the Scout Services it is no longer necessary for it to maintain facilities for as large a crew. The staterooms are combined to create larger and more comfortable rooms for the owner and his guests.

Even with the larger rooms, however, the Wanderer is usually not well suited for High Passage passengers. Such clientele would typically demand a steward who would be available to attend to them as well as improved environmental controls.

  1. Avionics: Located behind a maintenance plate in the bridge this section of the ship contains the Model/1bis computer and the antenna for the radar. With space as critical as it is for a mining ship there is a half ton of space that is recovered from the standard scout design and used for fuel storage.
  2. Bridge: With the position of sensor operator no longer needed the second console is removed to create a roomier bridge for the pilot/owner.
  3. Passageway
  4. Stateroom: The port staterooms in this Wanderer have been combined into a single larger stateroom. Also, unlike the original Scout/Courier's staterooms the larger stateroom incorporates its own private fresher.
  5. Stateroom: Basically identical to the port stateroom this stateroom also includes its own fresher.
  6. Lounge: The removal of the Scout/Courier's common fresher expands the lounge slightly, although with the larger staterooms and the often solitary nature of the Wanderer's owners the need for the lounge is somewhat diminished.
  7. Upper Engineering: Basically unchanged from the stock Scout/Courier upper engineering maintains its workstation to facilitate engine work that has to be undertaken by the ship's owner.
  8. Lower Engineering: Additionally unchanged from the stock Scout/Courier.
  9. Cargo: In the case of this particular Wanderer the Lab/Clinic has been converted into a spare cargo area. It is not uncommon to find this area converted into a third stateroom, a secondary lounge, or some form of workshop depending upon the capabilities of the owner.
  10. Air/Raft Berth: Again, essentially unchanged from the stock Scout/Courier.
  11. Gunnery: Although many Wanderer are flown by single pilot/owners the gunnery position is frequently reinstalled so that on those occasions when the owner has a second person on board the tactical advantages of a dedicated gunner can be realized if the ship should find itself under fire.
  12. Walkway: Even more than on working Scout/Couriers the Attic is liable to find itself used to store bric-a-brac that the owner does not commonly use but which they find useful to keep around.
  13. Storage: With the survey sensors removed this area often becomes used for the storage of things such as tools or additional food supplies.
  14. Secondary Storage: While the primary storage on a Scout/Courier the fact that this area is smaller than the now cleared sensor area typically relegates this to a secondary storage area. It is also not uncommon to find this area used as a form of airlock with vacc suit storage.

   Tons    TL  Item                                   Cost    Notes
               100 ton lifting body hull              16.0    
    2.0     6  Submergence Hull                        4.0    
               Jump Plates                             0.1    
    1.0        Landing legs with pads                  1.0    
           11  AV=5. 1 Kinetic Shell                          
   10.0    11  Jump Drive-A                           10.0    J 2
    2.0    10  Manuever Drive-A                        4.0    2 G
    4.0     9  Power Plant-A                           4.0    P 2
    1.0     8  Fuel Scoops                             0.1    200 tons/hour
    1.0     8  Fuel Intakes                            0.1    40 tons/hour
    1.0     8  Fuel Purifiers                          1.0    4 tons/hour
   20.0        Jump Fuel                                      2 parsecs
    2.0        Power Plant Fuel                               1 month
    1.0     9  Computer Model/1bis std                 3.0    
    4.0        Control Consoles (1)                    0.2    
    4.0        Operating Consoles (2)                  0.2    
    0.0    10  Imp AR Surf Scope                       1.5    
    1.0    10  Imp AR Ant Radar                        1.5    
    0.0     9  Imp LR Surf Communicator                4.5    
    4.0        Storage                                     
    1.0        Life Support - Standard                 1.0    10 Person/months
    8.0        Large Stateroom w/fresher (2)          0.6    
   10.0        Crew Lounge                                    
    3.0        Passageways                                    
    3.5        Attic                                          
    6.0        Cargo Hold                                 
    4.0        Air/Raft                                       
    2.0     8  Hull Niche for Air/Raft                 1.5    
    3.0        Secondary Storage                                     
    1.0    11  Imp Vd T2 Beam Laser                    1.0    
   99.5                                               55.0
Thanks much. It's a fun project working out the initial hull and then trying to figure out how people might change the ship for new roles while trying to minimize how much they spend modifying the hull.

I've still got at least 3 more variations in my brain at present (the aforementioned Ranger, a style of Scout/Courier modification for use as a cheaper Safari ship for hunters on a budget (probably called Hunter), and a style for poor merchants who can't afford a real trader (probably called a Vagabond).

Once again though I would really encourage others to chip in, even if it's just 'what about a scout/courier modified like this?'. You don't need to draw out a map and work out all the stats. If it's an interesting idea (a decommissioned Scout/Courier owned by a bounty hunter) I'm sure someone will work out some stats and draw up a map for it. :)
Under the file library there is a section for spreadsheets. Create a new thread and then for the initial post there's an option in the tools for an attachment (it looks like a paperclip). You click on it and a new window should popup. Select 'Upload File' and chose your file and upload it.

The next thing you need to do, and this is important, is click on the attachment tool again. It should list what you just uploaded. You need to select that to attach it to the post you are creating, otherwise I believe the system throws away what was uploaded.

This is why my some of my early posts have links that don't work.:nonono:

After you create your post if you right click on the link you should get an option to copy the link address. Copy it, come back here, and in your reply click on the "insert link" button (it looks like a globe with a couple of links of chain). Click on it and paste your link into the new window that pops up.
Links to XLSX Spreadsheets:

TL 10 Scout Ship

TL 15 Scout Ship

I know the TL-10 scout wouldn't normally be able to have the Jump it does except for the rule that you can import a 1 TL higher item for +10% to the cost which is what i did to make it fit the description of the TL-10 Scout in T5. This was before they Errata'd it to TL-11
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FYI to all:

1. go to "CotI Features" pull down meny at the top of the screen and select "File Library (Free Downloads)".
2. from "File Library" select the "Spreadsheets" forum.
3. click "New Thread" button and a "Post New Thread" page should open.
4. scroll down and find a box labeled "Attach Files" and click on a button labeled "Manage Attachments".
5. in the "Manage Attachments" window that opens up is a box labeled "Upload File from your Computer". Press the button labeled "Choose File" and an "Open" window should appear.
6. from the "Open" window, navigate and select your file, then click the "Open" button.
7. the "Open" window should close and back in the "Manage Attachments" window, the name of your file should appear in the "Upload File from your Computer" box next to the "Choose File" button you selected earlier. Select the "Upload" button to the right of your file name.
8. your file should now be listed in the "Manage Attachments" window inside a box labeled "Current Attachments". from the top or bottom of the "Manage Attachments" window, press on the words "Close this window".
9. back on the "Post New Thread" window, your file is now listed in the "Attach Files" box.
10. now just finish entering your message and title like a normal post and press the "Submit New Thread" button.

Your upload is now part of the File Library and available for download.
The URL for your new page can be added to and topic as a link just like any other URL.

EDIT: I have just been informed that Moderators can (are able to) upload files directly into a post. Regular users may or may not have this feature, but are not supposed to upload directly anywhere except the gallery (for images) or the library (for files). Just FYI.
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So on the two spreadsheets you listed it looks like both scout ships are using Plate hull structure with Polymer armor, but it the rules seem to indicate that Lifting Body hulls can only use Shell, or am I missing something here?

Am I also correct in my reading that each ship actually carries enough fuel for a second jump?

It also looks like you left off Lifters, the same as me. Is that an oversight, as in my case (fortunately Lifters don't take any tonnage) or deliberate?
So on the two spreadsheets you listed it looks like both scout ships are using Plate hull structure with Polymer armor, but it the rules seem to indicate that Lifting Body hulls can only use Shell, or am I missing something here?

Yes they use plate hulls, the TL-A version should have additional armour in Plate i forgot to change the listing from polymer to plate. This was my first go through the ShipMaker and at the time i thought you could mix armours. I haven't read anything about Lifting Body Hulls only needing Shell, but i had read that Frame & Plate were the default hull type so i made an assumption and went with Frame & Plate. When i get home i will check the book and come back with a revised version if i need too.

Am I also correct in my reading that each ship actually carries enough fuel for a second jump?

Yes, but if your right about the Shell vs Frame & Plate then i may drop this for additional armour. I wanted the Scout to be able to jump into a system and if they found it to be too hostile jump straight out again. It would also allow the Scout to jump into otherwise inaccessible areas.

It also looks like you left off Lifters, the same as me. Is that an oversight, as in my case (fortunately Lifters don't take any tonnage) or deliberate?

Yeah, i went with the Legs with Pads which is recommended for wilderness landings, but also I wanted the look from the colour wallpapers of the scout landed in the wilderness and its got legs.
I have just checked my book and can't find any reference to Lifting Body hulls requiring Shell as the initial Hull type. Frame & Plate does the job and the Armour value on shell is a little light i think for a pseudo-military vessel.

I will have a go at trying to upload the seekers now.
The limitation of Lifting Bodies only being able to use Shell comes from chart D on page 334 (also repeated as chart B on 336), unless I'm missing something?

And Lifters and Legs aren't exclusive. Lifters are grav devices used for hovering and moving short distances (though it's not clear to me why you can't just use the Maneuver Drive to do this).
yup ok, i didn't read that table very well then. In that case just change all the references to Frame & Plate to Shell downgrade the AV to 5 or 7, it doesn't change the cost or the weight or space. Other than for the additional Armour layer.

No they aren't but why add them for another MCr when the legs work just fine and suit the image from the CDROM of the scout in the wilderness.
Oh. I imagine that Lifters are what you use to bring the ship down onto its legs. You don't want to bring it in with lateral velocity where it will skid along the ground (especially in the wilderness).

But maybe I'm misunderstanding exactly what it is that Lifters do and what you can do with a Maneuver Drive.