The Hinterworlds Rambler
SOC-14 5K
Go Draslites!
Lets see... so you need an astrophysics degree, and how many years of military science training and complex ballistics to design roleplaying games?
Science Fantasy is bad because?
Guns and bullets that use a chemical reaction will be in use for as long as warfare dictates. If someone made a true laser rifle tomorrow, that did energy damage, took no bullets, had no logistics of ammunition or any of the other changes that such a weapon would introduce, it would change the game. Militaries of the world would be lining up around the block.
There eventually would be some well informed Laser specialists that would also one day be all: "Fusion guns? impossible! Such a weapon wil never take the place of Lasers on the modern battlefield!"
If i'm going to run characters that are going to get on ships and go out into space, There should be the freedom to move enough to allow for aliens to have frickin square bullets for all we know. We haven't left our solar system as a species yet.
I applaud mongoose's efforts to open up the Traveller rules to those that want to use imagination, instead of opinion-driven tradition to drive thier game. They know the secret.
In 1997-8 ish, our group used to play a merger game of Snapshot and Necromunda, with pirate boarding gangs vs. patrol officers on starships. Played that all summer along with a Solomani Intel CT game, and a TNE Reconstruction/Rediscovery game.
Someone should really determine what the "Science Fiction Adventure in the Far Future" means on the cover of CT, because there seems to be some confusion. It seems to be more specific, and it seems to make people mad when its not.
Lets see... so you need an astrophysics degree, and how many years of military science training and complex ballistics to design roleplaying games?
Science Fantasy is bad because?
Guns and bullets that use a chemical reaction will be in use for as long as warfare dictates. If someone made a true laser rifle tomorrow, that did energy damage, took no bullets, had no logistics of ammunition or any of the other changes that such a weapon would introduce, it would change the game. Militaries of the world would be lining up around the block.
There eventually would be some well informed Laser specialists that would also one day be all: "Fusion guns? impossible! Such a weapon wil never take the place of Lasers on the modern battlefield!"
If i'm going to run characters that are going to get on ships and go out into space, There should be the freedom to move enough to allow for aliens to have frickin square bullets for all we know. We haven't left our solar system as a species yet.
I applaud mongoose's efforts to open up the Traveller rules to those that want to use imagination, instead of opinion-driven tradition to drive thier game. They know the secret.
In 1997-8 ish, our group used to play a merger game of Snapshot and Necromunda, with pirate boarding gangs vs. patrol officers on starships. Played that all summer along with a Solomani Intel CT game, and a TNE Reconstruction/Rediscovery game.
Someone should really determine what the "Science Fiction Adventure in the Far Future" means on the cover of CT, because there seems to be some confusion. It seems to be more specific, and it seems to make people mad when its not.