Great quotes. Here's some more...
LBB S07 (Traders and Gunboats), pg 5
In addition, a limited volume of passages has been added to some starships. Passages and access ways which have no other use may be safely added to a ship without affecting its volume or displacement' for construction purposes; such additional passages should amount to no more than an additional 10% of the total
ship volume.
In addition, plans from that era, and all succeeding eras (including Mongoose, which is what I use, take a look at the Type S) follow this guideline. Some of course are closer and some are further away. This is largely a function of shape and size and that is cool. I don't want all exterior shapes or interior hallways to be the same, I like variety. Sometimes that means bending a bit. You don't
have to use the 10%, it is simply there to accommodate when needed.
Then there is the following...
The Traveller Book (1982 ed), pg 67
When allocating space within the ship for deck plans,assume that only a portion of stateroom tonnage must actually be in staterooms; the remainder should be used for common areas and other accommodations for the crew.
Finally, a leeway of plus or minus 10% to 20% should be allowed. If the final deck plans come within 20% of the tonnage of the ship specifications, then they should be considered acceptable.
Identical language in
1983 Starter Edition, pg 33. Note that in both cases, accessways/hallways were left off of that description, just "Common areas and other accommodations". To me this is probably an indication that once the designers started actually drawing these plans out, someone noticed the same thing that I did: hallways are a bear. This is not to say that you
cannot allocate them with the Stateroom tonnage, but in some designs this becomes problematic and forces either an overage or a strange situation where you have to buy extra staterooms to get to the Engineering deck.
I'm simply arguing that 10% for Hallways and
other things not accounted for in the tonnage allocation (airlocks and such) alone is a reasonable and legitimate figure, and something to consider early in the design stage for those interested in going that route. I was just wondering what people thought about the idea. I apologize if it gives offense to discuss that idea here as the rules are so very clear (with the exception of the above quotations of course; and well, the actual plans in LBB and later products). If those are the rules you must follow, then please do. I'm interested in discussing it with others that don't feel that pressing need.
Traveller is a wonderful game and there are a lot of ways to run it and still be considered to be within the rules structure. My maps use this 10% overage guideline, and in the current 1000 dton Luxury Liner I'm planning out, I kept this hallway overage figure at under 5%. Now if others want to stay away from that and solely use Stateroom tonnage, so be it, it's their game. If someone wants to discuss this further (as opposed to shutting down discussion), I'm interested, which is why I am here on a board that discusses the game of Traveller.
And Isocahedron, I pretty much use all my Bridge tonnage for the Bridge too.