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"The Thing" in traveller...

The Thing

There's one thing I've really never seen most game systems be able to do right, and that's recreate the title creature from John Carpenter's "The Thing" very well.

(BTW, am I wrong in thinking a large % of traveller players like the 1982 version of the thing? If you do like it, there's a nice site for you called www.outpost31.com that's just overflowing with goodies including rules for using "the thing" in the phoenix command rpg system, a thing card game, a map of outpost 3q as seen in the movie and even more goodies. If you like the thing you should pop over to it ASAP and look around.)

Anyway, back to traveller. Can anyone imagine making a scenario based on "the thing" with it as a NPC? (If you want to fiddle with traveller canon, an interesting idea has just come to me: Grandfather's war was against the thing, as a lifeform, and it had consumed/duplicated some of his children, leading to his war to stop the thing from becoming the dominant, if not only, lifeform in the galaxy. After he wiped out the thing's homeworld and, he believed, all it's forms that weren't on it, he retreated from the galaxy just in case any survived

Wow, something grandfather was afraid of? The idea of that ought to cure a traveller player of constipation real quick.:rofl:)

I was wondering if the thing was suitable for adding into traveller, perhaps as an ultimate antagonist in some way. A lifeform like that is so dangerous the imperium might have to declare a genocide program against it, if it were discovered.

Suppose grandfather did try to wipe them out long ago, and ALMOST succeeded. Suppose a research station on a pluto like planet found the ruins of an ancient base, with-GASP!- what appeared to be a perfectly preserved ancient frozen in ice near the ruins.

What if it were not an ancient, but a Thing that has assimilated one. What if they thawed the remains for study? What if The Thing revived and began to assimilate the research staff one by one?

What if a truly sadistic piece of evil incarnate masquerading as a GM dropped a group of traveller players into this scenario?:devil:

A major issue would be writing rules for the thing that don't amount to "GM decision". Gurps may just barely be able to handle it with a lot of fiddling and high points costs, and a viable copy of The Thing from the movie might cost only slightly less than, say, superman, but I'm not sure how other game systems could handle the thing, or if they could short of "The GM decides..."

The phoenix command rules are, naturally, more complex that most gamers can handle and don't translate well. No one on the SJG forums could ever make a good version of the thing so I may not pull this one in GT, but if any sadistic scu...er GMs want to work the thing into traveller it might be interesting to try agreeing on general rules for it for various systems.

I was trying to imagine ways to put the thing in traveller, and came up with the above right off. Other ways might be to discover the thing's homeworld just before they develop spaceflight, and face the issue of warning the imperium that a lifeform capable of consuming and replacing all other life may be about to emerge into the galaxy. An alternative could be a ship landed on the thing's homeworld before it developed tech, it assimilated the crew and learned their knowledge, now it's heading out to see what yumminess awaits it in the stars and the players somehow find out and have to stop it.

Maybe a variant on the ancient war thing, with the ancients wiping out almost all Things but it not being the cause of the final war could be written into YTU.

Maybe a drunken old slob at a starport tavern tells the players a tale of his youth when his FT misjumped and set down on a strange world to refuel, and some of his crewmates were assimilated by things, leaving only a few to escape. They never spoke of it for fear of being silenced by imperial security who might not want knowledge of such a lifeform becoming common, but now he's old, drunk, hasn't got much longer and is telling his story. Or maybe he tells the players because, after 50 years, he just saw a ship identical to his old FT land, and dead ringers of his crewmates, as he knew them 50 years ago, were on board....

Yeah, a panicking old geezer, obviously terrorized, has a heart attack from sheer fright and, before dying, manages to tell the players the story, maybe even given them an old data chip with data about the thing and how it operates on it, something he saved from long ago. Now the players have to see to it the things don't take over the world they're on and spread. It must be stopped now, while it's just on this world, perhaps because this world was the only one in jump range of it's homeworld.

Sounds like a good scenario for the halloween season, maybe if I get working on it now I might have something ready by then....
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I'm not sure if I've ever seen it. Is that the one where the creature looks like cherry jello? Or is that The Blob?

That was "The Blob", which also came in two versions. One which was the first film acting role of a very young Steve McQueen and a more violent version which came out in the late 80's.
In the 1982 version of The Thing, the titular creature was an alien entity who's biology was in some ways closer to that of a virus than a higher form of life. but was nonetheless quite highly intelligent and evolved.

It could assimilate cells, absorb them, recreate it's own cells into external duplicates of the assimilated cells and even convert an entire organism, such as a dog or a man, into a copy of itself that mimicked the original and possessed the original individual's memories and personality, but was in fact a Thing.

It could quickly metamorphosize into any form it had a genetic record of, or even into combinations of forms. It could be torn apart and the individual parts would become functional organisms once separated from the whole.

The movie left much unknown about the thing, which I would have to patch if I were to write the rules for it, and the rules would be complex since it seemed able to carry knowledge with it, perhaps encoding it into it's DNA or a similar highly efficient method.

It's quite difficult to convert even fairly simple aliens from a movie to a game, as I found out when I did a traveller game based on the movie "planet of the vampires", perhaps Italy's only really good SF movie.

The Thing was a very complex creature, and very hard to model very well short of "GM decides..."


(Seriously, this is a true cult classic that every SFRPGer should see once. If you are a dog lover a couple scenes may disturb you, like they did me, but the movie is so totally worth watching you ought to see it. A real masterpiece of SF/Horror.)

Also once you see it, you'll likely agree that The Thing would have made a serious antagonist, even for the Ancients.

EDIT: If you like to read classic SF, here's a link to the original story the movie was based on, "Who goes there?" by John W. Campbell, one of the greatest SF writers of the golden age. It's from the 1930's and is regarded as one of the best SF novellas from that period.

BTW, the story is out of copyright now and public domain so it's Ok to post on the net and link to it.
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I liked the remake in the 1980s better than the original. And yes, it could be a VERY nasty villian.

I would suspect that you would have to put some kind of limits on it's ability, in the movie it didn't seem to need to follow the normal rules of Conservation of mass... but it was a movie.

Cut off a 3 KG chunk of The Thing and you have a 3KG Thing that can become anything (but still only mass 3 KGs)...
I liked the remake in the 1980s better than the original. And yes, it could be a VERY nasty villian.

I would suspect that you would have to put some kind of limits on it's ability, in the movie it didn't seem to need to follow the normal rules of Conservation of mass... but it was a movie.

Cut off a 3 KG chunk of The Thing and you have a 3KG Thing that can become anything (but still only mass 3 KGs)...

Yeah, but it can assimilate tissue ans make more things tissue, either enlarging itself or making a new thing.
There was a pastiche of "The Thing" in Falcon 3: The Search for Bhaal (I think that's the title), of the gamebook series by Mark Smith and Jamie Thompson.

There's another remake on the way.....

Now why mess with perfection? :(
I don't see any need for rules for it, other than what you posted.

Copies itself, can mimic someone else. If shocked or burned, the individula cells move away.

The idea here though is... It's all about paranoia and trust.

It's not just a Traveller Doppelganger.

It's.. Are you the thing? Am I? How do I know, how do you know? Let's just face each other down, and wait for rescue, not knowing, not able to go to sleep.

If you use your thing as a stat-ed monster, it will kill the flavor as a game scenario, if you are trying in some way to emulate the movies.

You'd need pretty mature people to play this, especially with beloved PCs, as it is in fact a "ten little indians" scenario, as one by one they are picked off, or accidents / sabotage kill them off.

Even with one shot PCs you need mature players to have them not blow it off... "I could care less if this PC dies, it's not my regular PC."

If you had such players...I would run it thus...

All PCs have, because of the nature of the scenario, a chance to be alone, where the Thing might have become them. Or set it up so that each one has to be alone. During the PC alone time "to the engineering deck, to the storage shed, (what have you depending on scenario location);

You take each one aside. You tell them... "You are not the thing. but someone else is. Don't talk to anyone else about it, because if you confront the thing, one on one, it will kill your PC instantly."

Then, let nature take it's course. At one point, NPCs enter the scenario. one of them is, of course, the thing. But the others in its group are not. Trigger happy people that just kill off the NPCs, well the NPCs fight back.

If played right, pretty dark, gritty, and horrific. Played or set up wrong, it could of course destroy a group.

I know a few players that could play it, or play they have been thing'ed. But many many who couldn't handle it, and would ultimately leave the group, because "They lost their favorite PC to this thing crap."