mike wightman
SOC-14 10K
When it is MWM himself saying it it is not annoying, it is fact - well sort ofThere is a really annoying tendency to say "X is Traveller's primary source"...

This is a quote from his recent facebook Q&A. Before you comment that this is still debatable there is an even more direct statement that Dumarest should be a go to source of inspiration for Traveller referees in his youtube interviews at TravellerCon.I will point out how much I liked Dumarest of Terra (by E. C. Tubb) and you can see his influence in the Traveller rules.
There is also this:
Marc Miller: There have been some excellent analyses of the literary antecedents of Traveller, and they go into far more detail than I can provide here, but let me tell you just a few inspirations that I can recall off the top of my head. And I recommend, if you have not read these authors, to make a point of doing so: Larry Niven and his Known Space stories. Poul Anderson and his Flandry of Terra series. All of Isaac Asimov’s Foundation series. And the quintessential Traveller: E. C. Tubb’s Dumarest of Terra.
Yes, Marc was influenced by plenty of golden age scifi, but no other single source is paid as much homage as Dumarest in the original Traveller rules.
I would argue that later rules supplements drew from other sources more heavily - original High Guard owes a lot to Mote in God's Eye - fusion drives and the black globe stand out for me (note the original black globe is even more like the Langston field than it would become in the later version of HG), Mercenary from Falkenberg's Legion etc.
You can see echoes of the Foundation in the rise and fall of empires and the long night, Dune influences the nobility.
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