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TL 9 Yacht .. a quickie write-up


This is the TL 9 version of the "Golden Cage" Yacht seen in the other thread.

There are a few distinct differences that make this yacht a whole lot better in several ways.

100 dTon USL Open Frame - Yacht
TL 9 Boron Composite Matrix - (tough 7, wt 2, pr .0875)
*note: see the Alternate Materials for TNE article if your curious.
8 cm (giving the vessel an armor of 56)

Controls, Worskstations, Nav Aids, Computers -- all TL 9 stuff

Electronics -- a BIG change here vs the TL 7 Yacht
TL 9, Laser-1000 AU, TL 9 Maser-1000 AU, TL 8 Radio-30,000 km, TL 9 Radar-60,000 km, TL 9 Ladar-120,000 km, TL 9 HRT-120,000 km

TL 9 Fusion (it's big due to being TL 9) 100 MW (I only need 15 MW though)
10 yrs of fuel -- the only thing that compares to this is a Fission reactor.
*note: I looked at the TL 9 PNF, but water weighs 1 ton/kl vs Liq Hy .07 ton/kl ..:p

TL 9 Fusion Rocket - 975 TT (24 hrs of 1G Thrust)
*note: the TT of 9 in FF&S is the MINIMUM for a Fusion Rocket, and the ISP's of that rocket is WAAAY understated -- thus I use the more realistic numbers found in Hard Times seen on pg 84

Standard Life Support for a 100 dTon ship
Environmental Gravity - Hamster Cage (for that 1G in the vessel)

Small State x 2 (for XO, CO)
Normal Lg State (for Noble)
Bunk x 10
Guest Rooms (Lg states) x 2
Conference Room w/ Full Galley (seats 9)
Rec Room w/ Wet Bar (seats 9)

25 kl Cargo
1x Spare parts locker
24.66 kl of Gourmet Food Stored (feeds 18 for 6 months)


Engineer x2 (due to the large 100 MW Fusion engine)
Electronics: x3 (all those neat commo/sensors to play with)
Manuver x1
Maintainance x 3 -- not bad as the comp has a multi of .5 (so better than TL 7's)
Flight x1 (our pilot)
Cmd: x2
Steward x1 (once again, a Steward 4/Cook 3 -- a real chef)
*note -- I didn't create a workstation for the steward, since the Galley is his "station"

Design Considerations:
a) Fusion!: fusion power for long term/safer energy vs the Fission -- nuff said.
b) Fusion Rocket for an easy 1G of thrust -- and the ability to use cheap Liq Hyd
c) The best electronics! -- this is a HUGE change vs TL 7 -- since the Laser/Maser commo at 1000 AU -- makes system-wide communication very easy ... making business trips much easier to do.
d) Better armor: The 8 cm thick armor is a definate advantage -- as TL 8,9 Missiles do 1/14-43 damage -- and TL 11 missiles do 1/18-56. So if somebody wanted to lob a few missiles to take out our Noble, this makes it a LOT more difficult.

*note: the TL 7 Yacht has an armor of 5.2 -- barely enough to keep out small micro-meterorites -- but not missiles ..:p


So Summary -- this Yacht suprised me at how solid it is -- armored, it has cargo space, entertainment area, guest rooms (only 2, but hey), and excellent sensors and communications -- so in case there are issues, help can be called and sensors are this ships alarm bells. It still has a large sized crew for a 100 dTon ship -- but each person is there for a reason.

*note: I tried to make a Yacht using TL 9 Solar Cells, Panels and Solar Sails -- it can be done -- but to use 2200 kl for enough power and 5 TT would just not be worth it imho.

*note: The one issue I hemmed & hawed on was using a TL 9 PNF -- I can easily put one in -- my issue was have 120 days of water (fuel) vs 10 years for the Fusion. And out in space, it is a LOT easier to buy liq hyd vs water. As the water can also be a source of drinking water for the crew in case something bad happened -- and the PNF is VERY safe.
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