I am in the beginning stages of creating a straight CT book1,2,3 only campaign. Reasons why will be at the bottom of the post. But, in my universe there are three different stellar empires, TL9 is the maximum tech, highest point reached. All 3 have different ship "styles".
I started using book2 to build standard ships but it's becoming time daunting. The thing I've accomplished so far is to just replace the standard book2 starships listed with TL9 versions. That much is done. It's the creating all the other ships based on the different design philosophies of the three different stellar empires.
I have done a net search to try and find a utility or tool of some sort that will do just straight book2 ship builds. But, alas, there isn't anything for just Book2. First question; does anyone here know of such a beast?
Why so much work you may ask? Part of the campaign, the ships will be part of the game, as important as NPC's. They'll have histories and stories that will be part of the narrative of the overall campaign. I also create ship images using DoGA (http://www.doga.co.jp/english/) and will generally create a scene or two from each game session to build a scrap book of sorts.
Why CT Book1,2,3 only? My place of employment has a gamer distribution list. Someone brought up that they were interested in learning to play that "old d6 space game, traveler they think". After the old part (I bought the 1st edition rules when they were fresh in the store) I started waxing nostalgic for all the games I ran with just the 3 books. They were a lot of fun.
So, I figured I'd refresh myself of the rules to make sure all aspects would be followed per the books (no house rules, not add-ons from other versions, etc.)
I had just completed the "Last Exile" Anime series and was inspired by it. My campaign has nothing to do with that series, it just initiated some thought processes that after a myriad of turns and twists and some long commute drives ended me up at the point to start creating the campaign setting I've begun.
I started using book2 to build standard ships but it's becoming time daunting. The thing I've accomplished so far is to just replace the standard book2 starships listed with TL9 versions. That much is done. It's the creating all the other ships based on the different design philosophies of the three different stellar empires.
I have done a net search to try and find a utility or tool of some sort that will do just straight book2 ship builds. But, alas, there isn't anything for just Book2. First question; does anyone here know of such a beast?
Why so much work you may ask? Part of the campaign, the ships will be part of the game, as important as NPC's. They'll have histories and stories that will be part of the narrative of the overall campaign. I also create ship images using DoGA (http://www.doga.co.jp/english/) and will generally create a scene or two from each game session to build a scrap book of sorts.
Why CT Book1,2,3 only? My place of employment has a gamer distribution list. Someone brought up that they were interested in learning to play that "old d6 space game, traveler they think". After the old part (I bought the 1st edition rules when they were fresh in the store) I started waxing nostalgic for all the games I ran with just the 3 books. They were a lot of fun.
So, I figured I'd refresh myself of the rules to make sure all aspects would be followed per the books (no house rules, not add-ons from other versions, etc.)
I had just completed the "Last Exile" Anime series and was inspired by it. My campaign has nothing to do with that series, it just initiated some thought processes that after a myriad of turns and twists and some long commute drives ended me up at the point to start creating the campaign setting I've begun.