Minnow class RF Fast Liner 200 tons
RF-223133-000000-00000-0 Crew=6
Book 2 Design TL=9
Passengers= 20H 25M Low=20 Cargo=23 (0)
Fuel=75 EP=6 Agility=1
Tonnage: 200 tons standard. 2800 cubic meters.
Crew: 10 pilot, medic, engineer, chief steward, 2 stewards.
Performance: Jump-3. 1-G. Power plant-3. 6 EP. Agility 1.
Hardpoints: 2. Standby only; no weapons normally mounted.
Craft: None.
Fuel Treatment: Fuel scoops integral to ship. No fuel purification plant.
Cost: MCr 102.9 standard. MCr 92.61 in quantity.
Construction Time: 11 months.
Comments: The Minnow class fast liner is a profitable 'airline' paradigm Jump-3 passenger liner intended for use connecting high (8+) population worlds. Capitalizing on SuSAG, LIC's innovative fast drug (and antidote), a week in jump space becomes a short 02:48 hr. trip. Pilot, medic, and engineer are provided staterooms for use during the voyage, while the 3 stewards (including a chief steward) are on the passengers "fast" schedule for better service. Common flight amenities include an in-flight meal, drinks (alcoholic for first/high class passengers are free), snacks, and an in-flight movie. The extremely popular plates and silverware with built-in grav technology for realistic 1/60th time dynamics are extremely popular souvenirs (manufactered exclusively by Ling Standard) and are available as a keepsake of one's voyage upon request, for a fee.
(from LBB2 to High Guard should increase un-discounted cost 0.2MCr for fuel scoops)
monthly payments calculated at cost/240, 13 months, 25 jumps per year (allowing 2 weeks maintenance). Salaries include paid 2-week vacation. Life support is 3 standard, 20 low usage, and 1 standard for passenger couches (14 person-days, 48/60 is 11.2 person-day (.8) usage, use of medical fast drug slows metabolism and life support consumption to 1/60)
Costs per jump:
200,655 mortgage
003,705 maint.
010,000 Life support
010,556 salaries
139,200 meds (fast drug, antidote 2900Cr ea., 48 doses 3 steward 20H 25M)
037,500 refined fuel (75t@500/t)
010,000 jump tape (one use)
000,100 berthing (average)
Revenues per jump:
200,000 20 High passengers
200,000 25 Medium passengers
020,000 20 Low passengers
000,000 00 Cargo
net 08,284Cr profit per jump at jump 3.
net 20,784Cr profit per jump at jump 2 (due to lower fuel requirement).
23 tons cargo allocated to passenger cargo allotments. Steward allocation 1steward per 8 high or 50 medium passengers. Steward skill provides +DM Passenger Table to High passengers, Admin (or Liason-1) to Medium, Streetwise (or Liason-1) to Low passenger. No staterooms for stewards as they are serving passengers and under the effects of the fast drug during voyages.
LBB2 stats:
Minnow (Type RF) Fast Liner
Using a custom 200-ton hull, the Minnow Fast Liner Serves as a Jump-3 passenger liner intended for use in high (8+) population routes.
It mounts jump drive-C, maneuver drive-A, and power plant-C, giving a performance of Jump-3 and 1-G acceleration.
Fuel tankage for 75 tons supports the power plant for 2 weeks and one jump 3. Lack of 4 weeks fuel for the power plant is usually justified due to the vehicle being profitable at jump-2, the fuel providing one jump2 and 7 weeks power.
Adjacent to the bridge is a computer Model/3, A 3MCr credit towards software is standard and sufficient for normal operations.
There are 3 staterooms and 20 low berths, plus 48 passenger couches.
The ship has 2 hardpoints and 2 tons allocated to fire control.
No turrets or weapons are installed on the hardpoints.
There are no ships vehicles.
Cargo capacity is 23 tons, usually reserved for passenger cargo.
The hull is streamlined.
There are 48 passenger couches, used by 3 stewards (including a chief steward), 20 High passengers, and 25 Medium passengers. Use entails fast drug and fast drug antidote for carriage, at 2900Cr per usage. Subjective time for a week is 2.8 hours. Drug usage is administered and monitored by the ship's medic. Non-human passengers require xeno-medicine care.
There are 0 tons of waste space.
The Minnow Fast Liner requires a crew of 6, pilot, medic, engineer, chief steward, and 2 additional stewards. Staterooms are provided for pilto, medic and engineer. Stewards are provided couches and use fast drug and antidote to provide passenger services. Additional gunners may be added, but this would require skilled crews to free up crew staterooms (pilot/gunner, engineer/gunner, medic/steward reccomended).
The ship can carry 20 High, 25 Medium passengers, and 20 Low passengers.
The ship costs MCr 92.61MCr (10% discount included, but no architect's fee) and takes 11 months to build.
Longer post than i thought it would be:
***comments most appreciated***
This is a pure LBB2 TL9 J3 profitable liner (!). The only bending of the rules would be lack of a 4 week fuel supply, but as the vehicle is profitable at jump-2 and has sufficient fuel under that, i figure it's ok (might be fun to have safety certification officers on the boarding insopections have to be convinced). Takes advantage of the medical fast drug and antidote, slowing life support and perception to 1/60. Crews could be squeezed into staterooms with p2/e2, m2/s2, and s2/s2 (if you're a stickler for that sort of thing) salaries would need to be adjusted accordingly. Works best between pop8+ worlds, jump 3 helps reach that. The above cost breakdown is very conservative, using unrefined fuel and no jump tapes, the ship can pay itself off very quickly, then get the couches stripped out in a refit and one has a paid off jump-3 vessel. It spends 139,000Cr (!) in drugs per trip, I could see a drug manufacturer subsidizing it for guaranteed revenue stream.
RF-223133-000000-00000-0 Crew=6
Book 2 Design TL=9
Passengers= 20H 25M Low=20 Cargo=23 (0)
Fuel=75 EP=6 Agility=1
Tonnage: 200 tons standard. 2800 cubic meters.
Crew: 10 pilot, medic, engineer, chief steward, 2 stewards.
Performance: Jump-3. 1-G. Power plant-3. 6 EP. Agility 1.
Hardpoints: 2. Standby only; no weapons normally mounted.
Craft: None.
Fuel Treatment: Fuel scoops integral to ship. No fuel purification plant.
Cost: MCr 102.9 standard. MCr 92.61 in quantity.
Construction Time: 11 months.
Comments: The Minnow class fast liner is a profitable 'airline' paradigm Jump-3 passenger liner intended for use connecting high (8+) population worlds. Capitalizing on SuSAG, LIC's innovative fast drug (and antidote), a week in jump space becomes a short 02:48 hr. trip. Pilot, medic, and engineer are provided staterooms for use during the voyage, while the 3 stewards (including a chief steward) are on the passengers "fast" schedule for better service. Common flight amenities include an in-flight meal, drinks (alcoholic for first/high class passengers are free), snacks, and an in-flight movie. The extremely popular plates and silverware with built-in grav technology for realistic 1/60th time dynamics are extremely popular souvenirs (manufactered exclusively by Ling Standard) and are available as a keepsake of one's voyage upon request, for a fee.
(from LBB2 to High Guard should increase un-discounted cost 0.2MCr for fuel scoops)
monthly payments calculated at cost/240, 13 months, 25 jumps per year (allowing 2 weeks maintenance). Salaries include paid 2-week vacation. Life support is 3 standard, 20 low usage, and 1 standard for passenger couches (14 person-days, 48/60 is 11.2 person-day (.8) usage, use of medical fast drug slows metabolism and life support consumption to 1/60)
Costs per jump:
200,655 mortgage
003,705 maint.
010,000 Life support
010,556 salaries
139,200 meds (fast drug, antidote 2900Cr ea., 48 doses 3 steward 20H 25M)
037,500 refined fuel (75t@500/t)
010,000 jump tape (one use)
000,100 berthing (average)
Revenues per jump:
200,000 20 High passengers
200,000 25 Medium passengers
020,000 20 Low passengers
000,000 00 Cargo
net 08,284Cr profit per jump at jump 3.
net 20,784Cr profit per jump at jump 2 (due to lower fuel requirement).
23 tons cargo allocated to passenger cargo allotments. Steward allocation 1steward per 8 high or 50 medium passengers. Steward skill provides +DM Passenger Table to High passengers, Admin (or Liason-1) to Medium, Streetwise (or Liason-1) to Low passenger. No staterooms for stewards as they are serving passengers and under the effects of the fast drug during voyages.
LBB2 stats:
Minnow (Type RF) Fast Liner
Using a custom 200-ton hull, the Minnow Fast Liner Serves as a Jump-3 passenger liner intended for use in high (8+) population routes.
It mounts jump drive-C, maneuver drive-A, and power plant-C, giving a performance of Jump-3 and 1-G acceleration.
Fuel tankage for 75 tons supports the power plant for 2 weeks and one jump 3. Lack of 4 weeks fuel for the power plant is usually justified due to the vehicle being profitable at jump-2, the fuel providing one jump2 and 7 weeks power.
Adjacent to the bridge is a computer Model/3, A 3MCr credit towards software is standard and sufficient for normal operations.
There are 3 staterooms and 20 low berths, plus 48 passenger couches.
The ship has 2 hardpoints and 2 tons allocated to fire control.
No turrets or weapons are installed on the hardpoints.
There are no ships vehicles.
Cargo capacity is 23 tons, usually reserved for passenger cargo.
The hull is streamlined.
There are 48 passenger couches, used by 3 stewards (including a chief steward), 20 High passengers, and 25 Medium passengers. Use entails fast drug and fast drug antidote for carriage, at 2900Cr per usage. Subjective time for a week is 2.8 hours. Drug usage is administered and monitored by the ship's medic. Non-human passengers require xeno-medicine care.
There are 0 tons of waste space.
The Minnow Fast Liner requires a crew of 6, pilot, medic, engineer, chief steward, and 2 additional stewards. Staterooms are provided for pilto, medic and engineer. Stewards are provided couches and use fast drug and antidote to provide passenger services. Additional gunners may be added, but this would require skilled crews to free up crew staterooms (pilot/gunner, engineer/gunner, medic/steward reccomended).
The ship can carry 20 High, 25 Medium passengers, and 20 Low passengers.
The ship costs MCr 92.61MCr (10% discount included, but no architect's fee) and takes 11 months to build.
Longer post than i thought it would be:
***comments most appreciated***
This is a pure LBB2 TL9 J3 profitable liner (!). The only bending of the rules would be lack of a 4 week fuel supply, but as the vehicle is profitable at jump-2 and has sufficient fuel under that, i figure it's ok (might be fun to have safety certification officers on the boarding insopections have to be convinced). Takes advantage of the medical fast drug and antidote, slowing life support and perception to 1/60. Crews could be squeezed into staterooms with p2/e2, m2/s2, and s2/s2 (if you're a stickler for that sort of thing) salaries would need to be adjusted accordingly. Works best between pop8+ worlds, jump 3 helps reach that. The above cost breakdown is very conservative, using unrefined fuel and no jump tapes, the ship can pay itself off very quickly, then get the couches stripped out in a refit and one has a paid off jump-3 vessel. It spends 139,000Cr (!) in drugs per trip, I could see a drug manufacturer subsidizing it for guaranteed revenue stream.